Hello guys,
im new in the field of programming and just started my second project.
I want to read a dial gauge, compile the reading and then send it to another arduino.
The sketch did work perfectly fine and i had tested the communication with an arduino nano as slave and a mega as master. The mega received the Measured value from the nano.
Now i added another nano as slave aswell as a display. Everything communicates and works, but now my measurement sketch from the first nano is doing some weird thing wich i do not understand yet.
First problem:
The whole structure works without the mesurement nano, when i plug it into the ic2 the orther slaves start doing weird stuff and nothing works anyore.
When i comment out the whole nano code (wich i provide futher down) and just set a value, the whole system works perfectly finde and everythig communicates. So my conclusion is that is has something to do with my code.
I tried different things and found that it has something to do with the code between line 44 and 60. But i do not know why this part of the code, wich previously worked and didnt affect the i2c, is doing problems now.
Second Problem:
If i write a serial print in line 42 the mesurement is beeing printed, and it has the right value.
If i write the same print command in line 61 or futher down it does not print any. And i have no cunclusion why this happens.
Can somebody here give me a few hints what i am missing or how i can track down the root cause for my problems ?
Thanks in advance if somebody is willing the take his time and energy to take a look into this code
Name: Messuhr.ino
Created: 05.02.2022 12:45:12
Author: Marvin Poetter
Dieser Scetch ist für das Auslesen der Messuhr, das Wandeln in das richtige Format und die
übertragung des Messwertes an den Master
#include <Wire.h>
/*Pin deklaration input & output */
int dialgauge_o_request = 4; // Request pin (D4) (weiß)
int dialgauge_i_data = 3; // Data pin (D3) (schwarz)
int dialgauge_i_clock = 2; // Clock pin (D2) (rot)
/* deklaration interne Variablen */
boolean dialgauge_gv_raw_data[51]; // Array Buffer zum einlesen der Rohdaten
int dialgauge_gv_tenthousand; // Hilfsvariable 10 mm Wertigkeit
int dialgauge_gv_thousand; // Hilfsvaribale 1 mm Wertigkeit
int dialgauge_gv_hundred; // Hilfsvariable 0,1 mm Wertigkeit
int dialgauge_gv_ten; // Hilfsvariable 0,01 mm Wertigkeit
int dialgauge_gv_one; // Hilfsvariable 0,001 mm Wertigkeit
int dialgauge_gv_value; // Variable fertiger Messwert (Achtung int / Kommastelle um 3 nach rechts verschoben)
void setup() {
Wire.begin(20); // Starten der I2C Kommunikation
Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // ruft bei eingehendem reqest des Masters die Funktion auf
Serial.begin(9600); // nur zum debuggen benötigt
pinMode(dialgauge_o_request, OUTPUT); // Pin als output definieren
pinMode(dialgauge_i_clock, INPUT_PULLUP); // Pin als input definieren und internen Pullup zuschalten
pinMode(dialgauge_i_data, INPUT_PULLUP); // Pin als input definieren und internen Pullup zuschalten
digitalWrite(dialgauge_o_request, LOW); // initial output mit low beschalten (definierten Zustand herstellen)
void loop()
digitalWrite(dialgauge_o_request, HIGH); // durch nachgeschalteten Transistor den request pin der Uhr auf Masse ziehen um Übertragung zu starten
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) // Schleife um nacheinander alle 52 Bit der Messuhr einzulesen
while (digitalRead(dialgauge_i_clock) == LOW) {} // leere schleife um low zustand der Clock abzuwarten
while (digitalRead(dialgauge_i_clock) == HIGH) {} // leere Schleife um high Zustand abzuwarten
// Sobald Signalwechsel von high auf low wird einmalig der Zustand auf Data eingelesen
if (digitalRead(dialgauge_i_data) == HIGH)
dialgauge_gv_raw_data[i] = 1;
if (digitalRead(dialgauge_i_data) == LOW)
dialgauge_gv_raw_data[i] = 0;
Auswerten der eben eingelesenen Rohdaten
Die Wertigkeit der einzelnen bits werden hier auf Hilfsvarablen zusammengerechnet.
Am Ende alle Hilfsvariablen zu fertigem Messwert zusammensetzen.
Zum einfacheren Übertragen wird der Wert nicht als Float dagestellt sondern als Integer
mit einer Kommaverschiebung um 3 Stellen nach rechts, dies muss auf dem Pully spaeter
beruecksichtigt werden
dialgauge_gv_tenthousand = 0;
dialgauge_gv_tenthousand = dialgauge_gv_raw_data[24] * 1 * 10000;
dialgauge_gv_tenthousand = dialgauge_gv_tenthousand + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[25] * 2 * 10000;
dialgauge_gv_tenthousand = dialgauge_gv_tenthousand + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[26] * 4 * 10000;
dialgauge_gv_tenthousand = dialgauge_gv_tenthousand + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[27] * 8 * 10000;
dialgauge_gv_thousand = 0;
dialgauge_gv_thousand = dialgauge_gv_raw_data[28] * 1 * 1000;
dialgauge_gv_thousand = dialgauge_gv_thousand + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[29] * 2 * 1000;
dialgauge_gv_thousand = dialgauge_gv_thousand + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[30] * 4 * 1000;
dialgauge_gv_thousand = dialgauge_gv_thousand + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[31] * 8 * 1000;
dialgauge_gv_hundred = 0;
dialgauge_gv_hundred = dialgauge_gv_raw_data[32] * 1 * 100;
dialgauge_gv_hundred = dialgauge_gv_hundred + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[33] * 2 * 100;
dialgauge_gv_hundred = dialgauge_gv_hundred + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[34] * 4 * 100;
dialgauge_gv_hundred = dialgauge_gv_hundred + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[35] * 8 * 100;
dialgauge_gv_ten = 0;
dialgauge_gv_ten = dialgauge_gv_raw_data[36] * 1 * 10;
dialgauge_gv_ten = dialgauge_gv_ten + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[37] * 2 * 10;
dialgauge_gv_ten = dialgauge_gv_ten + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[38] * 4 * 10;
dialgauge_gv_ten = dialgauge_gv_ten + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[39] * 8 * 10;
dialgauge_gv_one = 0;
dialgauge_gv_one = dialgauge_gv_raw_data[40] * 1 * 1;
dialgauge_gv_one = dialgauge_gv_one + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[41] * 2 * 1;
dialgauge_gv_one = dialgauge_gv_one + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[42] * 4 * 1;
dialgauge_gv_one = dialgauge_gv_one + dialgauge_gv_raw_data[43] * 8 * 1;
dialgauge_gv_value = 0;
dialgauge_gv_value = dialgauge_gv_tenthousand + dialgauge_gv_thousand + dialgauge_gv_hundred + dialgauge_gv_ten + dialgauge_gv_one;
void requestEvent()
byte buffer[2]; //teilt das int in 2x8bit
buffer[0] = lowByte(dialgauge_gv_value); //da per i2c immer nur 8bit gesendet werden können
buffer[1] = highByte(dialgauge_gv_value);
Wire.write(buffer, 2);