I2c communication multiplexing with transistor

i have problem. i am trying read same register sensors, bmp180 pressure sensor without i2c mux. I am trying this with the help of transistors, but when i try to open transistor base with arduino pin, with digitalWrite function, program crushed, and it stack on bmp.begin() line. if i try to open transistor base with new source it work, but when i try this with new arduino it still don't work, and it still stack. I know that it is possible to communicate with multiple sensors of the same register with the help of a multiplier, but I don't have one and would like to find another alternative. i think problem is arduino source, gnd is always same for arduinos. sorry for my english. If you understand what I said please help me.

You can do it with some logic gates or P channel MOSFETs.
Do you have either of those?
Or you could use SoftI2C

Written text is a poor way to describe electronic circuits at the best of times - more so when there's a language barrier.

Please show a schematic (aka "circuit diagram") - that will be much clearer, and avoid the language barrier.

What is the big problem why you don't want to use a I2C-multiplexer?

A transistor is very different from a relay-contact.
You can't use a transistor the same way as a relay-contact.

Here is an explanation for this

If you look at how much effort you have to make it work with discrete parts I'm pretty sure that you come to the conclusion that it will be easier to use a I2C-multiplexer-chip.

best regards Stefan


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