I am trying to make a remote that can rev my engine. I tested the principle by finding the ECU inputs from the throttle position sensor and just injecting (adding) a voltage to it. The engine revved OK.
I then made an arduino with I2C DAC, when I connect the output of the DAC to the ECU input and try to rev the engine usng the vehicles manual throttle it does not respond! I disconnect the arduino and it works again. I assume the DAC is holding the input low preventing the normal throttle working, I'm looking for advice if adding an open collector transistor to the DAC output would work?
Did you collect voltage output data from the pedal sensor ? Do you know it is a variable analog dc in the
0-5V range and not PWM ? Please post the DMM measurements of the pedal sensor output for the full range of the pedal. I assume you don't have a scope ?
No, the vehicle was "as is" I found the TSP wires, injected a voltage and it revved, I then added the arduino (with DAC) and whilst connected the vehicle's throttle did not work. disconnect the arduino and everything was back to normal.
The question was did you replace the peddle with the arduino or were BOTH connected SIMULTANEOUSLY ?
(NOT implying they can't be, just asking.! If the peddle output is the wiper of a pot with one end
GROUNDED and the peddle not depressed, then the DAC output is GROUNDED.
That's Electronics 101A) Are you ESL (Electronics second language) ?
The vehicle was not touched in any other way than finding the wires into the ECU and injectiong a voltage from a PSU, the vehicle revved using that voltage and also could be revved using the throttle.
Then I attached the Arduino to those wires and the throttle no longer worked.
By "injecting" I mean all existing wires remained connected and the external voltage was added by splicing a new wire into the old wire.
Please post a schematic. It sounds like there are two cases
An unmodified vehicle is accelerated by pressing on a pedal. If you are using the
term 'THROTTLE' for the physical PEDAL, please state that.
Still need a schematic of how it was wired.