I2C devices not detected on Portenta H7

My I2C devices are not detected on my Portenta H7. I have a PCB with the following connections:

The LED1 device is a " Seeed Studio 104020131, Grove - RGB LED Stick for WS2813".

I am using the mulitspeed I2C scanner from MultiSpeed I2C Scanner - 50,100,200,400 KHz. and getting "0 devices found in 7746 milliseconds.".

I cannot see anything wrong with my wiring, so do I have to do anything specific to make the Portenta H7 able to communicate with my devices? Any help would be appreciated.

Update: The seedstudio LED stick is not an I2C device. I hope this did not break my IMU. The output of the scanner was 0 devices even before I tried to connect the LED stick

If you run a I2C Scanner sketch, then run it for Wire, Wire1 and Wire2.

I have scanned Wire2 as well, 0 devices. A few posts (mainly Portenta H7: I2C is so confusing - #5 by tjaekel) told me to stay away from Wire1, so I have not scanned that one.

You can scan also Wire1, e.g. when it uses an I2C transaction to get (read) a device ID, or using this I2C General Call.

BTW: all the other free Wire interfaces do not have pull-ups on board. Do you have pull-ups on your board?

The i2c board has pullup resistors, yes. Scanning Wire1 reveals devices on 0x60 and 0x36. These are not my devices, but at least is shows that the i2c scanning works