When making i2c communication between two arduino is it possible to connect SDA and SCL of the master to an RTC and to SDA SCL of the other arduino, slave?
When making i2c communication between two arduino is it possible to connect SDA and SCL of the master to an RTC and to SDA SCL of the other arduino, slave?
Yes. But, what does that have to do with a TFT or Ethernet?
Cause I want to have one arduino with an Ethernet Shield and an RTC, and the other one with a TFT.. How do I make the connections in the Master Device, knowing that both SDA and SCL need a connection to the RTC and the Slave Device?
How do I make the connections in the Master Device, knowing that both SDA and SCL need a connection to the RTC and the Slave Device?
Connect SDA on one Arduino to SDA on the other.
Connect SCL on one Arduino to SCL on the other.
Connect Gnd on one Arduino to Gnd on the other.
Is the TFT device an I2C device?
No, it's this: Adafruit 1.8 Color TFT Shield w/microSD and Joystick [v 2] : ID 802 : $34.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits... I understand that, but how can I connect the RTC now? can SDA and SCL be shared between RTC and the Master to Slave wiring?
can SDA and SCL be shared between RTC and the Master to Slave wiring?
Yes, damn it, that's what I've been telling you.
I did'n know I could just simply connect SDA/SCL to the RTC and to the slave in series...