I2C Implementation


I have a project where I need to use I2C. I'm reading for ~2 days all the forums I could find, but being a lot of information is, sometimes, confusing.

I have the following project: I need to take information from some of my sensors (3-4 Ultrasonic HC-S04 for now) and to transmit it to the "Master" Arduino (which is a Pro-mini btw - the ideea of the project is to be as small as possible). The Master have to take some decisions based on the data he receive.

For the connection of the sensors, I was thinking to use a standalone chip, like a ATMEGA328P-PU, ATTINY2312 or any other which is suitable for this. This chip will be the "Slave", his only job being to take data from the sensors and send it to the Master through I2C.

Now, my question is: What chip should I use and why ?
I would like one of the above, because they have many pins and I can attach more sensors if needed. Where can I find the needed information to program the standalone chips to do (if possible) what I want to ?

Thank you very much ! I would be grateful if you could help me with other recommendations if mine aren't the best.


You can these pin related information on Atmel's website.

Also, if you want, you can use Atmel software to do embedded design.

For example, the microcontroller you used ATMEGA328P-PU has 1 byte-oriented 2-wire Serial Interface (I2C). You can find more info here, http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-42735-8-bit-AVR-Microcontroller-ATmega328-328P_Summary.pdf.