Please copy-paste from your Serial Terminal.

No one wants to download PNG images that you can't read in a text editor.

Photos are useful to show physical wiring. Unwise for text output.

16x2 and 20x4 seem to work fine on my Nano-Every.
So it would be very helpful to paste the I2CexpDiag output.

Please quote the MEGAAVR core version that you are using.
My MEGAAVR Wire.h library is stored here:

C:\Users\David Prentice\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\megaavr\1.8.6\libraries\Wire

Your MEGAAVR should be in a similar place on your PC.

If you enable "verbose compilation" from File->Preferences you will see library locations, core versions, ...
There is a lot of unwanted dross in a "verbose compile" but you can easily copy-paste the "libraries used" and "memory used" lines to your message.
