I2C-LCD Lowers its brightness by activating a 5v RELAY

Kind regards I am in an alarm project with arduino nano, I use a 5v relay to activate the siren, the problem that arises is that when activating the 5v relay, the i2cLCD lowers its lighting a little and when I stop activating the 5v RELAY, the i2cLCD returns to its normal brightness. Is this normal to happen? What can I do with the 5v RELAY, an external power supply for the relay would solve the problem of the iscLCD?

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

What can I do with the 5v RELAY, an external power supply for the relay would solve the problem of the iscLCD?

Probably. This depends a lot on the actual circuit but you failed to provide a wiring diagram as the sticky post at the top of the topic ("How to use this forum - please read") instructs you.