@awneil I didn't know about pullups so I had to research it. After putting the resistors on there it still didn't work. After a while we figured out that it was because the Digispark is somehow not giving enough power for the lcd, because if I connect SDA/SCL to the Digispark and GND/VCC to Arduino which is also connected it works. So it has something to do with the power from the Digispark but I don't know what it could be or why it hasn't enough for the LCD. As you can see in the photo the lcd works when taking power from the arduino and the power from the Digispark is enough to lighten up this diode but not more
The USB has a wire labelled "5V", but that is not the same as the other "5V" wires. That is a mistake in the schematic. The diode between "5V" and "5V" is in reverse. That is another mistake in the schematic.
Maybe your Digispark is made according to the schematic with the diode in reverse
There are two main cores for the ATtiny85 in Arduino-compatible mode: the small "attiny" and the full featured "ATTinyCore".
Yet, the Digispark uses the Micronucleus.
According to this tutorial you can use the TinyWireM library.
In that tutorial they say: "CAUTION We are not at this point supporting upgrading the firmware, so if you decide to, you do so entirely at your own risk".
When I translate that, then I read: "Hey, we used old software and are too lazy to keep it updated, and now users are mad at us because we don't care".
Conclusion: Buy an Arduino board, or a common Arduino-compatible board that has support. My advice is to throw this board away