I2C Liquid Crystal Display with STM32F401RE using arduino IDE

Is there any library to run I2C LCD Display with STM32F401RE Nucleo using Arduino IDE.....I searched through all the forums but didn't get any solution.....Please help......Normal LCD is working.

What type of LCD? A hd44780 display with an i2c backpack?
If so, use the hd44780 library with the hd44780_I2Cexp i/o class.
First thing is to run the included diagnostic sketch I2CexpDiag to test everything.

--- bill

Sir, I am using JHD-204A (20x4 LCD) with I2C serial interface adapter (PCF8574T).

Have you installed the hd44780 library and run the included diagnostic yet?
There is lots of additional information on the github page and in the included documentation.

--- bill