I2C Logic Level Converter for Sensor


my question goes this way: I have a arduino mini pro 5V clone. I connect it to my laptop using a PL2302 converter which has 5v,3.3v,Tx,Rx,Gnd pins. I also have the SI4332 RF Transceivers which runs at 3.3v, i dont have a I2C LLC, can i just connect the Vcc of the SI4332 to the 3.3v of the PL2302, then ground,SDA,SCL goes to the arduino without damaging the RF Transceiver?


If you turn off the internal pull-up of the Arduino and insert external pull-ups (~2k7) from SDA and SCL to 3V3, that should work without logic level converters.

It only takes two transistors for a level converter:-

translator-1.pdf (21.4 KB)