I2C protocol mismatch?
I've got a problem with the I²C and Arduino. I want to write to the NXP TEF6730 I²C bus in FM radio tuner.
TEF6730 datasheet says it complies with the fast-mode I2C-bus protocol (but max used speed is 100kHz - checked with LA).
Logic analyzer shows strange SDA change of every packet between start of i2c packet and sending slave address (during normal FM tuner operation):
I want to send the same with Arduino. That's what I'm getting:
There's no high level on SDA after start and I'm not getting ACK after sending slave address.
I'm using Seeeduino @ 3.3V. I've tested the Wire library and 'Arduino I2C Master Library' but both of them fail (no ACK from slave). I've already tried turning on/off pull-ups in arduino (this i²c bus is already pulled up internaly in tuner), changing speed to 400kHz, but nothing helps.
I think this problem may be related to the SDA level going high before sending slave address by this tuner. Arduino/Atmega I2C implementation doesn't do that.