I2c to parallel

Hey guys,
I search for component to convert i2c to parallel

Thanks in advance

In driving 16x2 LCD's it's common to use a PCF8574 for that. But other port expanders can also work.

In driving 16x2 LCD's it's common to use a PCF8574 for that. But other port expanders can also work.

PCF8574 has 3 input i2c bus control

I need component with 4 inputs

Tell us what you want to do and perhaps we can give advice.
Do you want inputs or outputs in parallel?

I need component with 4 inputs

What for? What are the input's purposes?
Another I2C expander is the MCP23008 (8 bit) or MCP23017 (16 bit).

This is looking like an XY problem.

PCF8574 has 3 input i2c bus control

I need component with 4 inputs

What on earth does that mean???

Do you want to control 4 devices? The PCF8574 has 8 possible addresses.