I have an extra arduino uno and mega so it will be good to visualize the I2C traffic.
Following that link I couldn't find the process of implementing it.
It is like installing logic sniffer, upload the sketch to arduino and communicate via serial between arduino and logic sniffer?
Download the three .ino files, put them in a folder named logic_analyzer in you Arduino projects folder.
Select the correct Arduino board, to match the one you are using(from the Tools/board)
compile and upload the code to you Arduino
from Gillham's readme: pins and options
This SUMP protocol compatible logic analyzer for the Arduino board supports
5 channels consisting of digital pins 8-12, which are the first 5 bits (0-4)
of PORTB. Arduino pin 13 / bit 5 is the Arduino LED, bits 6 & 7 are the
crystal oscillator pins.
Uncomment CHAN5 below if you want to use the LED pin as an input and have
6 channels.
On the Arduino Mega board 8 channels are supported and 7k of samples.
Pins 22-29 (Port A) are used by default.
SUMP protocol Client web page
Here is a direct link to the SUMP Client download
unzip this packing, I put it in Documents\logic. inside this folder it will create a ols- folder.
Under this is a plugins folder, copy the two .cfg from Gillham's github.
To start it double click on the run.bat from the ols- folder.
Select Capture/device -> open Bench
Select Capture/begin capture
Connection type -> serial port
analyzer port -> your arduino Serial port
Devicetype -> Arduino generic (uno) or Arduino Mega (mega)
Select show device metadat, this will talk to the Arduino, verify comms
Select Acquisition
Sampling rate -> your choice
recording size -> your choice, limited by which Arduino you have.
Select Triggers
Uncheck trigger enabled, this will start sampling as soon as you click capture
With the Arduino, only SIMPLE type is possible, and you can only use bits 0..4 or 5 for Uno, 0..7 for mega Mask select which 'channels' to monitor for trigger, Value is check=High unchecked=LOW