Actually I think the consensus was that isPressed() does not tell you that keys are currently being pressed. It tells you if any keys have had a "key down" event since last read. The Op there wanted the current state, not last event, so had to write a new function.
However, it appears the I2CKeyPad::isPressed() is different, it gives the current state (I think).
"pressed" is a rather ambiguous term. It could mean Key down event, key is currently down, or even that key has been released. It seems the author of I2CKeyPad picked one of the alternative meanings.
Hi @bobcousins and @J-M-L , I do use I2CKeypad.h, I had misread the library reference in that older post.
So, my question does actually refer to Rob Tillaerts's library.
Reading your answer Bob can I deduct that .isPRessed() actually returns a boolean reflecting the keypad pressed or not pressed status?