I'm from europe so i bought the M0 because it had the samd21 and I thought I could use it with arduinos I2S library, but that library seems to only work with the Zero.
Anyway to make it work? or do i need to write my own I2S library
I'm from europe so i bought the M0 because it had the samd21 and I thought I could use it with arduinos I2S library, but that library seems to only work with the Zero.
Anyway to make it work? or do i need to write my own I2S library
I have an M0 Pro, and have same problem. Fixed by setting board type to Zero. The Zero variant supports I2S library, and the hardware is the same.
I have a similar problem with the SODAQ Autonomo. It is labeled as "Arduino M0 compatible" but I could not run I2S by changing the board simply.
I tried also to add pins manually in the board definition file C:\Users\xx\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\SODAQ\hardware\samd\1.6.14\variants\sodaq_autonomo\variant.h
* I2S Interfaces
#define I2S_DEVICE 0
#define PIN_I2S_SD (9u)
#define PIN_I2S_SCK (1u)
#define PIN_I2S_FS (0u)
but with no success see Arduino I2S library is no(t)w working on the Autonomo - Autonomo - SODAQ Forum
What pins are you using? This one?
Arduino Zero or Arduino
MKR1000 / MRKZero ICS43432
[board] [mic]
3.3V (Zero) or VCC (MKRx) -- 3V3
pin 0 (Zero) or pin 3 (MKRx) -- WS
pin 1 (Zero) or pin 2 (MKRx) -- CLK
pin 9 (Zero) or pin A6 (MKRx) -- SD
see also this thread: pins for connecting a MKRx to an I2S Microphone - MKRZero - Arduino Forum