
Hello, I am new here, I just ordered a Duemilanove to play around with. I got inspired by the Kegbot project (I cant post links apparently in my first post), and also ordered some iButtons (a 64kb NV RAM one) and a reader head (2 wire output).

I later learned that I probably need an adapter which has some electronics inside that helps the reader head interface with a computer. I ultimately want to have the ibuttons interact with the Arduino.

I searched on here but didnt find any info about these things. Any info or tips?

I'm trying to figure out how to get the Arduino to hook up to the reader. I dont think the adapters will work for that...


in my second post, Ill try to post links again for those not familiar...
iButtons Mixed-signal and digital signal processing ICs | Analog Devices
reader Mixed-signal and digital signal processing ICs | Analog Devices
Kegbot http://kegbot.org/wiki/Main_Page

iButtons are actually a 1 wire interface. Not to be confused with the I2C interface that has the confusing library name of "wire".
Look for the 1 wire interface in the playground section.


Thank you for the info! I searched for 1 wire before but didnt come up with that stuff.
I just skimmed through it but it looks like my answer is to just hook up the wire to a digital I/O and write the code to communicate with it. I will read through it more thoroughly when I get a chance.

Thanks again