ich würde gerne den intervall ändern , in der er sich neue daten von youtube holt .
aslo das er meinet wegen alle 5 minnuten online sich die neuen daten abholt .
ich danke schohnmal im voraus .
ESP-01 pinout:
GPIO 2 - DataIn
NodeMCU 1.0 pinout:
D8 - DataIn
D6 - CLK
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#define NUM_MAX 4
#define ROTATE 90
// for ESP-01 module
//#define DIN_PIN 2 // D4
//#define CS_PIN 3 // D9/RX
//#define CLK_PIN 0 // D3
// for NodeMCU 1.0
#define DIN_PIN 15 // D8
#define CS_PIN 13 // D7
#define CLK_PIN 12 // D6
#include "max7219.h"
#include "fonts.h"
// =======================================================================
// Your config below!
// =======================================================================
const char* ssid = "SSid"; // SSID of local network
const char* password = "Password"; // Password on network
String ytApiV3Key = "your api"; // YouTube Data API v3 key generated here: https://console.developers.google.com
String channelId = "channelid"; // YT channel id
long utcOffset = 1; // for deutschland berlin
// =======================================================================
void setup()
Serial.print("Connecting WiFi ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
printStringWithShift(" WiFi ...~",15,font,' ');
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("."); delay(500);
Serial.print("Connected: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
Serial.println("Getting data ...");
printStringWithShift(" YT ...~",15,font,' ');
// =======================================================================
long viewCount, viewCount24h=-1, viewsGain24h;
long subscriberCount, subscriberCount1h=-1, subscriberCount24h=-1, subsGain1h=0, subsGain24h=0;
long videoCount;
int cnt = 0;
unsigned long time1h, time24h;
long localEpoc = 0;
long localMillisAtUpdate = 0;
int h, m, s;
String date;
void loop()
if(cnt<=0) {
if(getYTData()==0) {
cnt = 1; // data is refreshed every 50 loops
if(subscriberCount1h<0) {
time1h = time24h = millis();
subscriberCount1h = subscriberCount24h = subscriberCount;
viewCount24h = viewCount;
if(millis()-time1h>1000*60*60) {
time1h = millis();
subscriberCount1h = subscriberCount;
if(millis()-time24h>1000*60*60*24) {
time24h = millis();
subscriberCount24h = subscriberCount;
viewCount24h = viewCount;
subsGain1h = subscriberCount-subscriberCount1h;
subsGain24h = subscriberCount-subscriberCount24h;
viewsGain24h = viewCount-viewCount24h;
int del = 3000;
int scrollDel = 20;
char txt[10];
sprintf(txt," %02d:%02d ",h,m);
printStringWithShift(txt,scrollDel,font,' '); // real time
printStringWithShift(" Subscribers: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // eng
//printStringWithShift(" Subskrybcje: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // pol
if(subsGain1h) {
printStringWithShift(" Subscribers gain 1h: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // eng
//printStringWithShift(" Przyrost subskrybcji 1h: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // pol
if(subsGain24h) {
printStringWithShift(" Subscribers gain 24h: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // eng
//printStringWithShift(" Przyrost subskrybcji 24h: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // pol
printStringWithShift(" Views: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // eng
//printStringWithShift(" Wyświetlenia: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // pol
if(viewsGain24h) {
printStringWithShift(" Subscribers gain 24h: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // eng
//printStringWithShift(" Przyrost wyświetleń 24h: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // pol
printStringWithShift(" Videos: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // eng
//printStringWithShift(" Filmy: ",scrollDel,font,' '); // pol
// =======================================================================
int dualChar = 0;
unsigned char convertPolish(unsigned char _c)
unsigned char c = _c;
if(c==196 || c==197 || c==195) {
dualChar = c;
return 0;
if(dualChar) {
switch(_c) {
case 133: c = 1+'~'; break; // 'ą'
case 135: c = 2+'~'; break; // 'ć'
case 153: c = 3+'~'; break; // 'ę'
case 130: c = 4+'~'; break; // 'ł'
case 132: c = dualChar==197 ? 5+'~' : 10+'~'; break; // 'ń' and 'Ą'
case 179: c = 6+'~'; break; // 'ó'
case 155: c = 7+'~'; break; // 'ś'
case 186: c = 8+'~'; break; // 'ź'
case 188: c = 9+'~'; break; // 'ż'
//case 132: c = 10+'~'; break; // 'Ą'
case 134: c = 11+'~'; break; // 'Ć'
case 152: c = 12+'~'; break; // 'Ę'
case 129: c = 13+'~'; break; // 'Ł'
case 131: c = 14+'~'; break; // 'Ń'
case 147: c = 15+'~'; break; // 'Ó'
case 154: c = 16+'~'; break; // 'Ś'
case 185: c = 17+'~'; break; // 'Ź'
case 187: c = 18+'~'; break; // 'Ż'
default: break;
dualChar = 0;
return c;
switch(_c) {
case 185: c = 1+'~'; break;
case 230: c = 2+'~'; break;
case 234: c = 3+'~'; break;
case 179: c = 4+'~'; break;
case 241: c = 5+'~'; break;
case 243: c = 6+'~'; break;
case 156: c = 7+'~'; break;
case 159: c = 8+'~'; break;
case 191: c = 9+'~'; break;
case 165: c = 10+'~'; break;
case 198: c = 11+'~'; break;
case 202: c = 12+'~'; break;
case 163: c = 13+'~'; break;
case 209: c = 14+'~'; break;
case 211: c = 15+'~'; break;
case 140: c = 16+'~'; break;
case 143: c = 17+'~'; break;
case 175: c = 18+'~'; break;
default: break;
return c;
// =======================================================================
int charWidth(char ch, const uint8_t *data)
int len = pgm_read_byte(data);
return pgm_read_byte(data + 1 + ch * len);
// =======================================================================
int showChar(char ch, const uint8_t *data)
int len = pgm_read_byte(data);
int i,w = pgm_read_byte(data + 1 + ch * len);
scr[NUM_MAX*8] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < w; i++)
scr[NUM_MAX*8+i+1] = pgm_read_byte(data + 1 + ch * len + 1 + i);
return w;
// =======================================================================
void printCharWithShift(unsigned char c, int shiftDelay, const uint8_t *data, int offs)
c = convertPolish(c);
if(c < offs || c > MAX_CHAR) return;
c -= offs;
int w = showChar(c, data);
for (int i=0; i<w+1; i++) {
// =======================================================================
void printStringWithShift(const char *s, int shiftDelay, const uint8_t *data, int offs)
while(*s) printCharWithShift(*s++, shiftDelay, data, offs);
// =======================================================================
// printValueWithShift():
// converts int to string
// centers string on the display
// chooses proper font for string/number length
// can display sign - or +
void printValueWithShift(long val, int shiftDelay, int sign)
const uint8_t *digits = digits5x7; // good for max 5 digits
if(val>1999999) digits = digits3x7; // good for max 8 digits
else if(val>99999) digits = digits4x7; // good for max 6-7 digits
String str = String(val);
if(sign) {
if(val<0) str=";"+str; else str="<"+str;
const char *s = str.c_str();
int wd = 0;
while(*s) wd += 1+charWidth(*s++ - '0', digits);
int wdL = (NUM_MAX*8 - wd)/2;
int wdR = NUM_MAX*8 - wdL - wd;
//Serial.println(wd); Serial.println(wdL); Serial.println(wdR);
s = str.c_str();
while(wdL>0) { printCharWithShift(':', shiftDelay, digits, '0'); wdL--; }
while(*s) printCharWithShift(*s++, shiftDelay, digits, '0');
while(wdR>0) { printCharWithShift(':', shiftDelay, digits, '0'); wdR--; }
// =======================================================================
const char *ytHost = "googleapi";
int getYTData()
WiFiClientSecure client;
Serial.print("connecting to "); Serial.println(ytHost);
if (!client.connect(ytHost, 443)) {
Serial.println("connection failed");
return -1;
String cmd = String("GET /youtube/v3/channels?part=statistics&id=") + channelId + "&key=" + ytApiV3Key+ " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + ytHost + "\r\nUser-Agent: ESP8266/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
int repeatCounter = 10;
while (!client.available() && repeatCounter--) {
Serial.println("y."); delay(500);
String line,buf="";
int startJson=0, dateFound=0;
while (client.connected() && client.available()) {
line = client.readStringUntil('\n');
if(line[0]=='{') startJson=1;
if(startJson) {
for(int i=0;i<line.length();i++)
if(line[i]=='[' || line[i]==']') line[i]=' ';
if(!dateFound && line.startsWith("Date: ")) {
dateFound = 1;
date = line.substring(6, 22);
h = line.substring(23, 25).toInt();
m = line.substring(26, 28).toInt();
s = line.substring(29, 31).toInt();
localMillisAtUpdate = millis();
localEpoc = (h * 60 * 60 + m * 60 + s);
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuf;
JsonObject &root = jsonBuf.parseObject(buf);
if (!root.success()) {
Serial.println("parseObject() failed");
printStringWithShift("json error!",30,font,' ');
return -1;
viewCount = root["items"]["statistics"]["viewCount"];
subscriberCount = root["items"]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"];
videoCount = root["items"]["statistics"]["videoCount"];
return 0;
// =======================================================================
void updateTime()
long curEpoch = localEpoc + ((millis() - localMillisAtUpdate) / 1000);
long epoch = round(curEpoch + 3600 * utcOffset + 86400L) % 86400L;
h = ((epoch % 86400L) / 3600) % 24;
m = (epoch % 3600) / 60;
s = epoch % 60;
// =======================================================================