ICM-42688 giving max values

Hey everyone, I’ve been using ICM-42688 with esp32 in Arduino ide
in different projects for some time but recently I faced an issue where I’m getting the max values continuously.

I can’t find the cause of this. We do put some pressure on the sensor at times but it happens even when there’s no pressure on the sensor. What could be the issue? Is it related to power supply to sensor?
Edit: I'm using DFRobot library.

I have no clue what your problem is but I can think of a lot of possibilities. To get a better answer Posting an annotated schematic would help us help you. Frizzy (Frizzing) pictures are useless they burn a lot of your time and they do not have the information that is needed for debugging.

Also post links to technical information on each of the hardware devices. Market places such as azon do not have the needed details.

The problem could also be software please post your code but read the forum guidelines before posting anything else.

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