I'd like to change the SCL/SDA pin for the OLED display

I use OLED I2C module.
In I2C, the SCL is secured with A5 and the SDA with A4.
I want to use the same pin with the same radio module and OLED display.
Do you know how to change the fixed pins of a radio module or an OLED display?
If so, please teach me how.

If these modules don't have address jumpers you can:

I want to use the OLED I2C display with the TEA5767 radio module.

But their SCL/SDA pins are the same as A4/A5 each.

The libraries you use are Adafruit_GFX_Library, Adafruit_SSD1306, and TEA5767-master.

To use these two together, is there a way to change the fixed pin?

No, unless you want to try soft I2C

I2C is a bus so the A4 and A5 arduino pins can be shared with multiple devices including the TEA5767 and the display.

What else is using pins A4 and A5 in your project ?

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As already mentioned, both devices can share the same bus assuming they have different I2C addresses.

That is indeed, the whole purpose of the I2C bus- all devices requiring it connect to the same two pins. They have individual addresses. If you have two of the same device, they will provide a means to be set to different addresses.