Hello to all I compiled and upload the "simple server wifi" example in Arduino Uno connected to a wifi shield by the Ide 1.0.4, it works properly, using the Ide 1.0.5 the same example doesn't work.
Has anybody the same problem?
Any help for using IDE 1.0.5?
Thanks for the answers.
I don't see what wifi module you are using. Are you using arduino official wifi module? If yes, which revision, if no what other module? "a wifi shield" is not what you want to say when asking for specific answers.
The module is wifi r3 the chipset is at32uc3a1512 and HDG204 not same of what is reported in upgrade tutorial.
Anyway I did the upgrade with correct chipset setup, It works better in IDE 1.0.4 than in IDE 1.0.5 but the configuration of ip doesn't work.
I have the same shield, many of them. I didn't upgrade the firmware on any of them except one that I use for testing. The original firmware (no version number) works best with a version of wifi library (no version number) that was released before arduino IDE starts including the wifi library. The 1.0.5 r2 IDE works with the latest firmware (no version number). Otherwise you don't get any connection to servers.
The module is wifi r3 the chipset is at32uc3a1512 and HDG204 not same of what is reported in upgrade tutorial.
I checked with the manufacturer of the wifi ICs, and both require the firmware upgrade. Same firmware and procedure applies to both the HDG104 and HDG204. http://www2.hd-wireless.se/