I have problem "An error occurred while uploading the sketch". With 1.6.9 it is working fine.
I have Arduino Pro Mini with serial to RS485 board, in PC with Windows I have USB to RS485 dongle and I'm using this system to upload code to Arduino for convenience (I need to have connected RS485 to PC anyway). It works fine with 1.6.9, of course I need press reset button when uploading.
I see this error
Sketch uses 6,640 bytes (21%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30,720 bytes.
Global variables use 373 bytes (18%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1,675 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
This error become right after IDE start uploading, not after I press reset button (so not during actual uploading).
There is a bug in Arduino IDE 1.6.10 that can cause that issue when you start the IDE by opening a sketch(.ino) file(by double clicking on it, etc.). Please try this:
Close all Arduino IDE windows
Start the Arduino IDE, not by opening a sketch file.
Open the sketch file via File > Open, File > Sketchbook, or File > Examples
The sketch you want may automatically opened when the IDE starts and that should also work fine.
If this solves your problem please let me know so I provide more proof to the developers that this is a real bug.
I had exactly the same issue, just after download & install of IDE 1.6.10 today JULY 31.
Same situation: worked under 1.6.9, 'An error occerred during upload ..' under 1.6.10 and opening with double click.
I must agree with Davis. This is a typical developing error and concist of at least 2 major errors:
software management & quality assurance didn't do there job proberly.
release management also let this one slip
BN: Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560
VID: 2341
PID: 0042
SN: 853343436383511130E1
I'm having the same problem described here. Opening the IDE first rather than opening the sketch file solves the problem but this needs to be fixed. Also 1.6.9 works okay. This is a Windows 10 PC and a variety of Arduino boards including uno, Leonardo, and Adafruit feather 32u4. Definitely an IDE problem with 1.6.10.
It apparent that the IDE developers do not bother with QA, and have a lackadaisical attitude towards even the most severe bugs (why are the unusable releases not pulled from the website, like any company would if they put out a bad build)
Thanks everyone for confirming this. If anyone else has the same issue and was able to solve it as I recommended above please do comment. The developer was unable to reproduce the issue so I don't think this issue has been taken as seriously as it should. We now have 10 reports of the same issue being resolved the same way so it's clear this is a legitimate bug.
Yep, same here. No amount of resetting or uploading with different file name appears to make any difference. Remarkable that this software went live. Anyways, I imagine somebody is busy working on it. I'm stuck so I guess I'll wait for the patch.
My latest msg:
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x0d
Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions.
resmode - I recommend downgrading to 1.6.9, and not upgrading to future releases without letting them be out for a few days, and checking the forum for people crying about bugs. There have only been like 3 good releases in the 1.6.x versions - 1.6.3, 1.6.5r5, and 1.6.9. The others have been bad, and we all had to advise people against them. The Arduino people never seem to pull bad releases, and their testing processes are obviously deficient.
That said, you current issue (The sync error) is not related to 1.6.10. Sync errors are what you get when the computer doesn't get the expected response over serial from the Arduino - this can happen for many reasons.
I also think this forum can do it's part with a sticky for each version - or at least each version with major regressions. Something that describes the gotchas in general terms. I know this is work.
The trouble with telling people to just read the forum is that many topics don't include the IDE version. So people with problems are drinking from a firehose.
I've been messing with Arduino since about when it came out. I'm not very active here anymore but I feel sorry for new people unfortunate enough to download a bad release as their first. What an impression that must make.
I've never seen it this bad. If I was one of the founders I'd be very concerned.
I also think this forum can do it's part with a sticky for each version - or at least each version with major regressions. Something that describes the gotchas in general terms.
I agree. They were doing that for a while and the lead developer was even participating in the thread but that hasn't happened for the last few versions now. The threads did get really long. I think it would work best to make a wiki page on the Arduino Playground for each IDE release so everyone can edit it and keep the information organized. Put a link to that Playground page in the release thread and then use that thread for discussion of the release and the information on the release page on the Playground.
I know this is work.
Actually way less work for us than giving the same information over again on every thread and less work for users trying to find information, though they would actually need to take the time to click on the link and read the information. It would require a moderator to make the sticky though...
The trouble with telling people to just read the forum is that many topics don't include the IDE version. So people with problems are drinking from a firehose.
Forums are fine for discussion/chitchat or one-on-one help but terrible as a way of organizing information. I see the same questions and the same answers over and over here.
I feel sorry for new people unfortunate enough to download a bad release as their first. What an impression that must make.
I know if I had run into a ton of bugs when I was first starting with Arduino it would have been very discouraging. It's just a hobby for me so it has to be fun. Beginners encounter so many issues of their own making that when you throw in a bunch of built in bugs it makes the learning curve much steeper.
There is new nightly build from 3 August 2016 , but this problem is not solved.
That's correct, the developers have not done any work on this issue. One developer tried to reproduce and was unable to. There are some other serious issues they've been focusing on and are trying to get Arduino IDE 1.6.11 released ASAP but I really hope this will get fixed first.
As I wrote on github, error is something with paths. If you delete from your desktop arduino shortcuit "start in" folder, you will see that error, when you put it back you won't.
When you opening Arduino with .ino file, I believe there isn't any "start in" folder and that is causing the error.
If you can figure out what changes need to be made to the IDE and submit a pull request I'm sure the developers and Arduino community would be very grateful. Otherwise, I think you've provided the first clue to the cause of the problem and that should be helpful to anyone working on this issue. Sometimes getting these bugs fixes is like building a criminal case, you have to provide clear evidence of the problem and argue your case, often against an adversary who is dead set on proving that it's an invalid issue report caused by user error(which is frequently true). I like to provide a super clear set of steps to reproduce the issue. Once they can see the issue occur on their own system all arguments against your case become invalid.
try ask them, or you try on fresh windows installation to delete "start in" folder from shortcut on desktop to Arduino. If this will not reproduce the error, check system PATH variable (write "set" in command prompt), maybe there is path what prevent to reproduce this bug.
but of course, bug is in Arduino IDE, it's not about PATH variable.
The developers have discovered the cause of this issue. It will be fixed in the next release of Arduino IDE 1.6.11/Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.13 by reverting to the old avrdude version and they will solve the true cause of the issue before releasing the current avrdude version again, most likely in Arduino IDE 1.6.12/Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.14.
David-K was correct about the cause of the issue being path related. Good work!
Thanks to everyone reporting the issue. Since the developers weren't experiencing the bug it most likely wouldn't have been have been fixed without enough users reporting it to make it clear it was legitimate. Now that they understand what they did wrong they can avoid that mistake in all future avrdude versions.