i think there is a problem with libraries having a very long description: the install button does not appear.
EG: Library InqPortal ( Screenshot added )
Is there a fix or is it a local problem with my MAC OSX 10.13 ?
Hi @gschmid_wac . The Arduino IDE developers are tracking this bug here:
opened 05:44AM - 28 Oct 22 UTC
topic: code
type: imperfection
### Describe the problem
The Arduino IDE Library Manager is used to install/u… pdate/uninstall any of thousands of libraries. Each entry includes an "**INSTALL**" button used to install the version selected from the version menu.
This view is located in the left side panel, the width of which is adjustable.
🐛 When the panel is sized to the minimum width, the "**INSTALL**" button of certain entries is either clipped or completely hidden by the bottom border of the entry.
### To reproduce
1. Maximize the IDE window.
**ⓘ** See the information under the "Additional context" section to learn about the relation of the problem to window dimensions.
1. Open the "**Library Manager**" view.
1. In the "**Filter your search...**" field, type `tensorflow`
1. Hover the mouse pointer over the right border of the left side panel.
1. Click and drag leftward to resize the panel to the minimum width.
🐛 The "**INSTALL**" button and even version menu of certain entries is either clipped or completely hidden by the bottom border of the entry.

### Expected behavior
The "**INSTALL**" button is always completely visible on the Library Manager entries.
### Arduino IDE version
### Operating system
- Windows
- Linux
### Operating system version
- Windows 10
- Ubuntu 20.04
### Additional context
I find that the problem is dependent on window dimensions/scaling. The problem occurs at the default 100% scale on my 1920x1200 display with the window maximized. On my 1366x768 display, the problem only occurs at scaling values of 60% and lower with the window maximized. With smaller window dimensions, I also must use smaller scaling values in order to produce the problem.
The same issue also occurs in a search for `irremote` or `sigfox`.
- https://github.com/arduino/arduino-ide/issues/1403
- https://github.com/arduino/arduino-ide/pull/1568
Additional reports:
- https://forum.arduino.cc/t/2-0-3-boards-manager-text-size-wonkiness/1064836
- https://forum.arduino.cc/t/cant-install-rp2040-boards/1059783/1
- https://forum.arduino.cc/t/cant-install-rp2040-boards/1059783/4
- https://github.com/arduino/arduino-ide/issues/1713
- https://github.com/arduino/arduino-ide/issues/1698
#### Workaround
1. Open the Boards Manager or Library Manager view if it is not already open.
1. Hover your mouse pointer over the right border of the Boards/Library Manager view until the pointer changes to the horizontal resize double arrow.
1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to the right to make the Boards/Library Manager view wider.
After doing that, you should see the **INSTALL** button.
### Issue checklist
- [X] I searched for previous reports in [the issue tracker](https://github.com/arduino/arduino-ide/issues?q=)
- [X] I verified the problem still occurs when using the latest [nightly build](https://github.com/arduino/arduino-ide#nightly-builds)
- [X] My report contains all necessary details
I'll share the workaround to this bug:
Open the Library Manager panel if it is not already open.
Hover your mouse pointer over the right border of the Library Manager panel until the pointer changes to the horizontal resize double arrow.
Click and drag the mouse pointer to the right to make the Library Manager panel wider.
After doing that, you should see the INSTALL button.
oh i'm so blind .... THX !!!!!!!
You are welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance.
June 3, 2023, 5:43pm
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