IDE 2.0-RC6: Serial Monitor window clipping on bottom line

I am attaching a screencap from the serial monitor window. I have it pulled down to smallest size, although changing the window size seems to have no effect on the issue.
All of the little dots at the bottom are the current line being printed. You can't read anything until the autoscroll moves it up one line after a newline. Not so helpful.
Screenshot 2022-04-24 203930
In case anyone wonders, yes it looks like garbage, but it comes from some Radio-teletype I am trying to decode properly. Hopefully, I will have that done long before this gets acted upon.

Perhaps your screen is different than mine. When I see that its just the next line that can't fit on the screen. I simply scroll down.

It won't let me do that, with autoscroll on or off. There may be some difference in fonts or whatnot, IDK. But the bottom line is now always partly below the bottom edge of the window. With autoscroll on, the line that is printing should be automatically made visible.

It didn't used to be like that.

Thanks @weshowe! I can reproduce the issue and have submitted a formal report to the developers:

If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject.


I read through your report, TY for doing the hard stuff. :slight_smile:
For the sake of clarity, my program was printing 1 character at a time
Serial.write(ch); and occasionally throwing in a linefeed. The source was a 50-baud RTTY source, about 140ms per output character.
Doing it that way, every character that printed "unscrolled" my attempts to use the mouse-wheel to see it. Since you were printing line-by-line the manual scrolling worked.

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I solved my issues in spite of that partially showing last line. It's still there annoying me, and everytime I scroll it up, the next letter printed scrolls it back down. :clown_face:

Screenshot 2022-05-15 215951

pudiste solucionarlo, porque tengo el mismo problema, el autoscrooll del puerto serial no funciona

Hi @andrews_312. The bug is still unresolved. The Arduino IDE developers will close the GitHub issue report when it has been resolved. If you are subscribed to that issue you will get a notification at that time.

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