IDE 2.0 sketchbook folder location in preferences won't update

I installed beta 9 some time ago. Now the default location for the sketchbook is stuck. I just installed RC3 and it creates the old beta.9 directory and defaults the sketchbook location to: ~\Documents\arduino-ide_2.0.0-beta.9_Windows_64bit\portable\sketchbook.

I browse and point it to the new location, but after clicking OK, it does not stick. It reverts back to the previous location.

Is there a way to clear this and reset it back to the default so when I browse to the new sketchbook folder location it will look there?

Is this the exact path shown in the "Sketchbook location" field of the Arduino IDE? With the ~?

The IDE did not recognize that path as expected for me (the ~ path alias is not working).

The preference is stored in this file:


Under the directories.user key:

  user: '~\Documents\arduino-ide_2.0.0-beta.9_Windows_64bit\portable\sketchbook'

If you delete that line from the file, it will be reset to the default (~/Documents/Arduino)

Thanks! That did the trick.

You are welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance.

Regards, Per

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