IDE 2.1.1 Error 13 Install fail

Ok so I admit to being a noob n Arduino but I have gone through all the tutorials and read the forums to no resolution to my issue. Im trying to instal GRBL that I got straight from Github and I extract files, go to sketch, include library, Add .Zip Library and it gives me the option to include a FILE... Everything I can find online states it should say include Files or FOLDER. So I have even copied the .zip files to C:\Users\stack\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino which is the sketchbook location.

Please help. Ive waited to build this Laser etcher for so long and now that I have all the parts I cant get anything to work.

The Sketch/Add ZIP Library option allows you to install and #include a library in one step without the need for you to explicitly extract the library from the zip file

If you have already unzipped the file and put the library is a folder in your sketchbook libraries folder then you do not need to use the Sketch/Add ZIP Library option, just use the Sketch/Include Library option and navigate to the .h file as normal

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Your full GRBL directory should be in c:\users\stack\onedrive\documents\arduino\libraries. The easiest way is to use 'sketch → include library → add zip library and add the zip library that way. If that fails, it's more than likely because of onedrive.

After that you will have an example grblUpload under the examples that you load in the IDE and upload; that will take care of the full upload.

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In order to install a library via the Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library feature of Arduino IDE, the ZIP file must have a specific structure, where the library is in the root folder of the ZIP file. Unfortunately the Grbl developers did not create the required structure so you can't use the Add .ZIP Library method to install the library. It is necessary to manually install the library.

The instructions for installing Grbl are here:

If you have any problems or questions while following those instructions, let us know and we'll help you out.

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Ive followed the instructions and yet it still wont upload or pass verification. My head hurts

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Where on your PC is the grbl.h file located ?

My apologies about the pictures. I assumed it would answer most of the questions. I will use the CODE tag from now on.
To answer your question the grbl.h file is located..... C:\Users\stack\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\Libraries\grbl
this POS laptop has minimal storage, so everything gets put into OneDrive.

I have seen mention of OneDrive causing problems with the IDE quite a few times in the forum

I guess ill have to try and use a thumb drive to run everything off of it. BC the only other system is a desktop that i wont be able to plug the Arduino into other than the initial setup bc the CNC is in the shop on the other end of the house. Do you have any advice?

If you open File > Preferences in Arduino IDE, is the "Sketchbook location" preference still set to this path?:


Is this the full path to grbl.h?:


c:\Users\stack\Documents\Arduino\Libraries\ is my new Sketchbook path. C:\Users\stack\Documents\Arduino\Libraries\grbl\grbl.h is the full path.
I can load grbl.h to a new file and upload that but I cant get it to upload any other way.

C:\Users\stack\Documents\Arduino\Libraries\grbl\examples\grblUpload\grblUpload.ino:27:10: fatal error: grbl.h: No such file or directory
 #include <grbl.h>
compilation terminated.

exit status 1

Compilation error: grbl.h: No such file or directory

This is the cause of the error; nothing to do with OneDrive. The sketchbook is a place for storing Arduino sketches and libraries. Libraries must be installed to the libraries subfolder of the folder at path configured in the "Sketchbook location" preference. You should not set that preference to the path of the libraries folder, but instead to the path of the folder that contains the libraries folder.

Please do this:

  1. Select File > Preferences... from the Arduino IDE menus.
    The "Preferences" dialog will open.
  2. Set the "Sketchbook location" preference to the following path:
  3. Click the OK button.

Now try compiling or uploading the sketch again. The error should no longer occur.

Is that a capital L that I see in the path ?

L in Libraries is the only capital L present. And no its not an I (capital i) vs l (lower L) in grbl

If your sketchbook is C:\Users\stack\Documents\Arduino as defined in your IDE Preferences then library folders should go in the C:\Users\stack\Documents\Arduino\libraries folder

Spot the difference

I caught a video where a guy loads up Laser grbl and in it he just flashes grbl onto the uno and when I went to UGS and did setup wizard it shows im now running grbl 1.1 on my uno.
The NEXT ISSUE im seeing is that when I go to jog my steppers which are NEMA 17s they just sit in place and twitch.

This DID in fact solve the issue of uploading the grblUpload file onto the uno. I tested it on a separate board to verify it. As I mentioned in other reply, now I just have to figure out why my motors are twitching instead of rotating.

I'm glad you are able to use the library now.

Unfortunately even though I have helped quite a few people to install the library (I'm even the author of the installation instructions in the Grbl wiki), I don't have any experience with actually using Grbl with a CNC machine. But some of the other forum members are very knowledgeable on the subject. I suggest you start a new forum topic for discussion of this problem since it is completely unrelated to the original subject of this topic, which was about installing the Grbl library.

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