So here's the thing, i was installing the IDE on a new desktop (W10) because i wanted to check things with different core versions, and thought, how about testing the IDE 2, so installed that, installed the board platforms that i use, checked on the available ports, and found just 1 network port belonging to an ESP32 i have running in the studio.
No name description there, which is disturbing, because i usually have quite a few network port around, and identifying them by IP address is all ok until i give the router a power cycle to free up DHCP assignment ports and everything has changed again.
But more disturbing is that none of the ESP8266 network ports are shown, so i also installed IDE 1.8.19, and there all is good, all ports show up, and with their mDNS / hostname
No need to say i'll be using 1.8.19 for now, but i thought it needed reporting.