IDE hangs on startup: "openpgp: signature expired"

Continuing the discussion from IDE hangs on startup:

I have this same problem on Windows 10 with all latest updates.

The IDE2 is completely useless for me on Windows.

I have followed the instructions above and sent them to Arduino's "Help" contact rather than posting here.

Hi @arduser505.

Since you are also posting about it here, I assume you would like to get help from the forum community? We can't see the information you sent via the contact form (I do act as an advisor to the customer service team, but only for tickets they escalate to me, and the other forum helpers don't have access to the tickets at all) so you need to post the information here on the forum.

I was more just adding "Me too," since I did not know if the logs would have any sensitive info in them that should not be publicly posted.

From looking at the logs briefly, the short of it seems to be that the program cannot find certain things at:

C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE

And this is true, the directory is there, but the files it is looking for are not. That is not because they are in:

C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE

It appears that there should be content in both places, but at least some of the files in the first place I listed are missing. (Odd to me, since if it wrote some of them, it had write permission, so why would only some be missing? But, I'm not a programmer, or not a decent one anyway).

By the way, I do not and never have, had OneDrive installed.

OK, well if you decide you want help from us here on the forum then redact anything you think is sensitive in the logs and post them here. Otherwise you can wait for assistance from the customer service team.

Will do, thank you. I am hoping that with all the issues swirling about this hanging on startup stuff, that something will be fixed and it will (for me) magically go away. But, I will provide redacted logs if it helps, or if you can't get them from support, and support doesn't do anything shortly.

It is unlikely. Most of the time, the failure of Arduino IDE to start is caused by a misconfiguration or problem on the user's system. So the only way forward is to identify the specific cause (there are several completely unrelated things that can cause it) and then fix your system.

We definitely should improve on the user experience when Arduino IDE is unable to start up by clearly communicating to the user about the specifics of the problem instead of just hanging on the startup animation. Unfortunately the development resources are not available at this time to make such improvements to this free open source software so we have to be satisfied with the IDE we have now, warts and all, instead of waiting for some hypothetical ideal IDE to materialize.

It was all related to the trouble caused by One Drive. I restructured all my folders and “Un-linked One Drive from the PC”.

All is good now.


Congratulations on finding a solution! I'm glad it is working now. Thank you for taking the time to post an update.

Regards, Per

I know this new thread was opened for what is a different problem that appears the same to the user (the Arduino IDE hangs with a pulsing icon and never finishes opening), so maybe this comment is irrelevant, but I just want to be clear that this is most definitely now always related to OneDrive because I have had it happen on Linux, which doesn't even have OneDrive, and I have had it happen on Windows systems that do not have OneDrive installed.

I've gotten the IDE to work on Linux (though not Windows), so that's a surmountable hurdle for me. My biggest problem now is that the MicroPython Installer won't work. I'll make a new thread for that, and I will post the debug output of the IDE problem in the new thread.

Here is the debug output:

PS C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE> & ".\Arduino IDE"
PS C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE>
Arduino IDE 2.3.2
Checking for frontend application configuration customizations. Module path: C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\electron-main.js, destination 'package.json': C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE\resources\app\package.json
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.appVersion' application configuration value to: "2.3.2" (type of string)
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.cliVersion' application configuration value to: "0.35.3" (type of string)
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.buildDate' application configuration value to: "2024-02-20T10:04:35.814Z" (type of string)
Frontend application configuration after modifications: {"applicationName":"Arduino IDE","defaultTheme":{"light":"arduino-theme","dark":"arduino-theme-dark"},"defaultIconTheme":"none","electron":{"windowOptions":{}},"defaultLocale":"","validatePreferencesSchema":false,"preferences":{"window.title":"${rootName}${activeEditorShort}${appName}","files.autoSave":"afterDelay","editor.minimap.enabled":false,"editor.tabSize":2,"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine":false,"editor.quickSuggestions":{"other":false,"comments":false,"strings":false},"editor.maxTokenizationLineLength":500,"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled":false,"breadcrumbs.enabled":false,"workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides":"none","explorer.compactFolders":false},"appVersion":"2.3.2","cliVersion":"0.35.3","buildDate":"2024-02-20T10:04:35.814Z"}
Starting backend process. PID: 6800
Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment
Configuration directory URI: 'file:///c%3A/Users/James/.arduinoIDE'
Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname.
2024-08-30T08:00:28.875Z root INFO Backend Object.initialize: 7.6 ms [Finished 0.689 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.876Z root INFO Backend Object.configure: 6.3 ms [Finished 0.690 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.876Z root INFO Backend s.onStart: 3.2 ms [Finished 0.690 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.877Z root INFO Backend s.configure: 0.4 ms [Finished 0.719 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.878Z root INFO Backend d.onStart: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.719 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.880Z root INFO Backend d.configure: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.720 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.882Z root INFO Backend d.initialize: 29.8 ms [Finished 0.720 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.883Z root INFO Backend c.onStart: 0.4 ms [Finished 0.720 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.884Z root INFO Backend a.configure: 1.8 ms [Finished 0.722 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.887Z config INFO >>> Initializing CLI configuration...
2024-08-30T08:00:28.888Z root INFO Backend c.initialize: 0.9 ms [Finished 0.722 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.888Z root INFO Backend R.onStart: 1.2 ms [Finished 0.723 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.890Z config INFO Loading CLI configuration from c:\Users\James\.arduinoIDE\arduino-cli.yaml...
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z daemon INFO Starting daemon from C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\resources\arduino-cli.exe...
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z root INFO Backend a.initialize: 0.9 ms [Finished 0.725 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z root INFO Backend w.onStart: 2.9 ms [Finished 0.728 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z root INFO Backend r.configure: 4.5 ms [Finished 0.728 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z discovery-log INFO start
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z discovery-log INFO start new deferred
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z root INFO Backend d.initialize: 1.3 ms [Finished 0.729 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z root INFO Backend y.onStart: 4.5 ms [Finished 0.733 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.892Z root INFO Backend r.configure: 3.8 ms [Finished 0.733 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.893Z root INFO Backend a.onStart: 1.2 ms [Finished 0.737 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.893Z root INFO Backend h.configure: 1.0 ms [Finished 0.737 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.893Z root INFO Backend s.configure: 0.5 ms [Finished 0.738 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.893Z root INFO Backend l.configure: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.738 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.899Z root INFO Theia app listening on
2024-08-30T08:00:28.899Z root INFO Finished starting backend application: 7.2 ms [Finished 0.744 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:28.943Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/James/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist.
2024-08-30T08:00:28.943Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/James/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist.
2024-08-30T08:00:28.944Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:C:\Users\James\.arduinoIDE\plugins does not exist.
2024-08-30T08:00:28.974Z config INFO Loaded CLI configuration: {"board_manager":{"additional_urls":[]},"build_cache":{"compilations_before_purge":10,"ttl":"720h0m0s"},"daemon":{"port":"50051"},"directories":{"data":"C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15","downloads":"C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\staging","user":"C:\\Users\\James\\Documents\\Arduino"},"library":{"enable_unsafe_install":false},"logging":{"file":"","format":"text","level":"info"},"metrics":{"addr":":9090","enabled":true},"output":{"no_color":false},"sketch":{"always_export_binaries":false},"updater":{"enable_notification":true}}
2024-08-30T08:00:28.975Z config INFO '' and 'directories.user' are set in the CLI configuration model.
2024-08-30T08:00:28.975Z config INFO Loaded the CLI configuration.
2024-08-30T08:00:29.018Z config INFO Mapped the CLI configuration: {"dataDirUri":"file:///c%3A/Users/James/AppData/Local/Arduino15","sketchDirUri":"file:///c%3A/Users/James/Documents/Arduino","additionalUrls":[],"network":"none","locale":"en"}
2024-08-30T08:00:29.018Z config INFO Validating the CLI configuration...
2024-08-30T08:00:29.021Z config INFO The CLI config is valid.
2024-08-30T08:00:29.022Z config INFO <<< Initialized the CLI configuration.
2024-08-30T08:00:29.104Z root INFO Resolve plugins list: 215.2 ms [Finished 0.949 s after backend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:29.444Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:29+08:00" level=info msg="Using config file: c:\\Users\\James\\.arduinoIDE\\arduino-cli.yaml"
time="2024-08-30T16:00:29+08:00" level=info msg="arduino-cli.exe version 0.35.3"
time="2024-08-30T16:00:29+08:00" level=info msg="Executing `arduino-cli daemon`"
Daemon is now listening on [](
2024-08-30T08:00:29.444Z daemon INFO Daemon is running.
2024-08-30T08:00:29.524Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:29+08:00" level=info msg="Updating libraries index"
time="2024-08-30T16:00:29+08:00" level=info msg="Starting download" url=""
2024-08-30T08:00:30.852Z root INFO Deploy plugins list: 215.2 ms [Finished 2.697 s after backend start]
Opening channel for service path '/services/electron-window'.
Opening channel for service path '/services/ide-updater'.
2024-08-30T08:00:31.777Z root WARN Frontend a.configure took longer than the expected maximum 100 milliseconds: 246.0 ms [Finished 2.707 s after frontend start]
2024-08-30T08:00:31.777Z root WARN A command editor.action.toggleStickyScroll is already registered.
2024-08-30T08:00:32.522Z root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 3, message: Error verifying signature: openpgp: signature expired
2024-08-30T08:00:32.540Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Checking signature" index="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\package_index.json" signatureFile="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\package_index.json.sig" trusted=true
2024-08-30T08:00:32.542Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loading hardware from: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.544Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loading package builtin from: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.545Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Checking existence of 'tools' path: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin\\tools"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.545Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loading tools from dir: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin\\tools"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.547Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[ctags@5.8-arduino11](mailto:ctags@5.8-arduino11)"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.548Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[dfu-discovery@0.1.2](mailto:dfu-discovery@0.1.2)"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.550Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[mdns-discovery@1.0.9](mailto:mdns-discovery@1.0.9)"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.550Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[serial-discovery@1.4.1](mailto:serial-discovery@1.4.1)"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.551Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[serial-monitor@0.14.1](mailto:serial-monitor@0.14.1)"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.552Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Loading libraries index file" index="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\library_index.json"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.555Z root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 9, message: Loading index file: reading library_index.json: open C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Arduino15\library_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
2024-08-30T08:00:32.556Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Adding libraries dir" dir="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\libraries" location=ide
time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Adding libraries dir" dir="C:\\Users\\James\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries" location=user
2024-08-30T08:00:32.562Z root ERROR The primary packages indexes are missing. Running indexes update before initializing the core gRPC client The index of the cores and libraries must be updated before initializing the core gRPC client.
The following problems were detected during the gRPC client initialization:
[library-index] - code: 9, message: Loading index file: reading library_index.json: open C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Arduino15\library_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.

2024-08-30T08:00:32.564Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Updating libraries index"
2024-08-30T08:00:32.567Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:32+08:00" level=info msg="Starting download" url=""
2024-08-30T08:00:32.570Z root INFO core-client-provider [library-index] Downloading index: library_index.tar.bz2

2024-08-30T08:00:34.544Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:34+08:00" level=info msg="Updating libraries index"
2024-08-30T08:00:34.549Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:34+08:00" level=info msg="Starting download" url=""
2024-08-30T08:00:36.631Z root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 3, message: Error verifying signature: openpgp: signature expired
2024-08-30T08:00:36.651Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Checking signature" index="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\package_index.json" signatureFile="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\package_index.json.sig" trusted=true
2024-08-30T08:00:36.653Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loading hardware from: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.660Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loading package builtin from: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.660Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Checking existence of 'tools' path: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin\\tools"
time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loading tools from dir: C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin\\tools"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.662Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[ctags@5.8-arduino11](mailto:ctags@5.8-arduino11)"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.662Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[dfu-discovery@0.1.2](mailto:dfu-discovery@0.1.2)"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.663Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[mdns-discovery@1.0.9](mailto:mdns-discovery@1.0.9)"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.663Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[serial-discovery@1.4.1](mailto:serial-discovery@1.4.1)"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.664Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loaded tool" tool="builtin:[serial-monitor@0.14.1](mailto:serial-monitor@0.14.1)"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.665Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Loading libraries index file" index="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\library_index.json"
2024-08-30T08:00:36.665Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Adding libraries dir" dir="C:\\Users\\James\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\libraries" location=ide
2024-08-30T08:00:36.666Z root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 9, message: Loading index file: reading library_index.json: open C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Arduino15\library_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
2024-08-30T08:00:36.666Z daemon INFO time="2024-08-30T16:00:36+08:00" level=info msg="Adding libraries dir" dir="C:\\Users\\James\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries" location=user
2024-08-30T08:00:36.668Z root ERROR Uncaught Exception: Error: The index of the cores and libraries must be updated before initializing the core gRPC client.
The following problems were detected during the gRPC client initialization:
[library-index] - code: 9, message: Loading index file: reading library_index.json: open C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Arduino15\library_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.

2024-08-30T08:00:36.668Z root ERROR Error: The index of the cores and libraries must be updated before initializing the core gRPC client.
The following problems were detected during the gRPC client initialization:
[library-index] - code: 9, message: Loading index file: reading library_index.json: open C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Arduino15\library_index.json: The system cannot find the file specified.

at C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:622877
at E.evaluateErrorStatus (C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:622893)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async a.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:622563)
PS C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE>

I did not understand that Arduino was resource constrained to this extent. I know it is open source, but being the first and I am guessing, most popular microprocessor there is, I assumed they make a LOT of money. If that's incorrect, I am sorry for my assumption and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Ah, I actually missed the fact that the comment from @lsdobyns was not you (@arduser505). The two blue avatars made it hard to notice.

Great! Now we can see the cause of the IDE failing to start up on your system.

This error occurs when your system time is incorrect. You should be able to fix it by syncing the system time.

I'll provide instructions you can follow to do that:

  1. Right click the Windows Start icon () on the taskbar.
    A context menu will open.
  2. Select "Settings" from the menu.
    Windows "Settings" will open.
  3. Select "Time & language" from the navigation panel on the left side of the window.
  4. Select "Date & time" from the list on the right side of the Settings window.
    The "Date & time" settings section will expand.
  5. Click the "Sync now" button that is under the "Additional settings" section of the page.
  6. Wait for the syncing process to finish.
  7. Close any Arduino IDE windows that are open.
  8. Start Arduino IDE again, as usual.
    It is not required to start the IDE from the PowerShell terminal this time.

Hopefully this time Arduino IDE will start up fully and work as expected.

Not wanting to derail the topic

@ptillisch, you know this because ... ?

Is this the combination of the two different times in combination with the "signature expired" message? Or just the two times?

What about on Linux? My IDE doesn't work on Windows so I'm pretty much stuck on Linux and the time looks correct.

It is this specific part of the logs: Error verifying signature: openpgp: signature expired

I included some extra lines of the logs in the quote because, for anyone who is interested in the boring details, they provide some context that this is occurring when the cryptographic signature for the Library Manager index file is being verified.

1 Like

Please provide a detailed description of the problem you are having using the IDE on Windows and we'll try to help you solve it.

Please provide a detailed description of the problem you are having on Linux. I was under the impression that it is working for you on that machine:

I'm sorry, I misspoke. You were correct about the time issue, and now I have the Arduino IDE working on both Linux and Windows. My only remaining issue (for which I started another thread) is that the MicroPython Installer never finds the board.

This is not surprising since I have to choose it manually on both Linux and Windows (presumably due to it being a clone that uses the CH340 chip), it's just that the IDE let's me do that, while the MicroPython Installer seems to want to find the board before letting me do anything, which sort of puts me in a catch-22.

I'm glad it is working now!

I have explained the problem on your other topic:

You always link this to system time (not necessarily the times in the log). That is where my confusion comes from.

But I will pay attention to that specific.