Hi, I have just tried to load IDE 2.3.2 on my Hp Pavilion PC. I am trying to make amendment to Marlin. I am finding it difficult to load it.
I want to make a only minor change to the config and recompile.
First can I say I appreciate all the work the developers have done and please see my comments as genuine observations.
The original 1X version of the arduino IDE works fine with Marlin
The PC has 8gB ram,10 cores 3Gb, 1TB ssd
The IDE loads Marlins every element in the IDE this takes a long time. This eats up all available ram ( 3.2GB ) and then the IDE windows goes black and the pc terminates any further processing.
Is it possible to load Marlin the same way as the earlier version of Arduino IDE to reduce the pressure on available memory. It doesnt seem necessary to load everything into ram at the start does it?
If this is the way its supposed to work do you have a reccomened PC spec?
Hi @compassman. Versions of Marlin older than 2.0.0 placed all the code files in the root of the sketch folder. Arduino IDE opens all the sketch files from the root folder in editor tabs. In the case of Marlin, that means opening hundreds of tabs. Unfortunately doing that in Arduino IDE 2.x uses a lot of resources. I believe this is the cause of the problem you are experiencing.
If so, a potential solution would be to update to using the latest version of Marlin. Starting from the 2.0.0 release, the Marlin developers moved all the internal code files of the sketch to a subfolder of the sketch. Arduino IDE only opens the files that are in the root of the sketch folder, so the files in the subfolder don't impact the resource usage/performance of Arduino IDE. The few sketch files that provide the configuration options used by the user remain in the root folder so these remain accessible for easy editing via Arduino IDE.
You can get the latest release of Marlin here:
Thanks for your support ptillisch,
I will give that a try.
I have successfully compiled and upload marlin V2.
All good there, however
I waited for the IDE to complete its indexing, indicated in the bottom left corner. I then quit the IDE from the menu.
I tried to open other file manager and very very slow. Finally managed to open task manager and CPU was 100%. Initially it said System interupts however I noticed it was struggling to open. I waited and eventually the application list came up.
I noticed clangd.exe was consuming a lot of resources. This I believed was launched by the IDE ( I may be wrong ). I killed this executable and the PC returned to normal function.
Could you please advise if this is in hand.
Many thanks for the good work
clangd.exe is a part of the IDE. It may take longer the first time, that is a common thing.