We cannot get Arduino IDE to work with Monterrey 12. We have tried just about everything.
I'm running the IDEs perfectly fine on Monterrey 12.5.1 and it was not necessary to try anything. It just ran...
With Uno?
with tons of arduinos including UNO, ESPs and other type of boards
do you have a real Arduino UNO or a clone?
I'm not a Mac user; but maybe you can give a better description? "Not working" does not convey much information about what kind of problems you exactly are experiencing.
Thanks. We figured out what we needed to do. Had to go into Security & Privacy > Full Disk Access > add Aduino IDE app
didn't you get prompted during installation? may be you said no and it sticks... The IDE needs to write in Documents and Library so this requires indeed some credentials to be approved.
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