i just did a fresh install of linux mint 1.8.2 mate x64. I download the arduino IDE 1.8.5 and when i tried to run it an error accured:
arduino: 28: arduino: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
am i missing something?
i just did a fresh install of linux mint 1.8.2 mate x64. I download the arduino IDE 1.8.5 and when i tried to run it an error accured:
arduino: 28: arduino: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
am i missing something?
Is that the full output you see? If not, post all of it. Where do you see this error?
20180723: Same problem here.
On a flavor of Ubuntu (not Mint).
mount -o remount,exec /dev/sdb1
to resolve non-executable executables issue.
sh ./arduino
from a terminal opened in the USB mount directory .../arduino-1.8.5 , resulting in:
./arduino: 28: ./arduino: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
JAVA_OPTIONS=("-DAPP_DIR=$APPDIR" "-Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel")
As a further note, while the instructions for creating a linux portable installation are clear enough, they could be improved by adding instructions for invoking the system once it is created. I am a complete newcomer to this Arduino world, but I have been using Linux for decades, and I did micro-controller development and debugging in an era when the personal computer was itself just a micro-controller - that is, I'm not naive. The Arduino eco-system is still quite muddy, and the available help comes across as ritualistic, devoid of a professional level of understanding of the actual processes involved in firmware development.
Therefore, if you are a typical unhelpful forum poster, please refrain from replying. I prefer to communicate with people who actually understand the issues.
To offer the same abstraction level that I expect, here is what I am trying to accomplish:
I would like to open a customized Marlin G-code interpreter .ino file, adjust some parameters, recompile it, and then burn it in a CR-10S which uses an Arduino and has a USB interface. It is completely unclear that this is even possible, given the focus on the now hopelessly obsolete serial interface in arduino documentation and the apparent presumption of particular pre-defined hardware contexts. Presumably this CR-10S is one of those pre-defined contexts, since its instructions require me to use the arduino ide, but it is not at all clear which one it might be.
- Issued command:
sh ./arduino
Try "bash ./arduino". Or just run the script with "./arduino".
Therefore, if you are a typical unhelpful forum poster, please refrain from replying. I prefer to communicate with people who actually understand the issues.
ARROGANCE to the nth degree!!!!!!!!
Your first post here, and that is the nonsense you post? ? ?
Even if I knew the answer, I wouldn't be answering your question!