This is what I get:-
Clive@MacMini ~ %
Clive@MacMini ~ %
Clive@MacMini ~ %
Clive@MacMini ~ % clear
Clive@MacMini ~ % /Applications/Arduino IDE
zsh: no such file or directory: /Applications/Arduino
Clive@MacMini ~ %
I think you forgot the " " that is why it can't find /Applications/Arduino, the space after Arduino is causing the error without the quotes.
1 Like
Clive@MacMini ~ % "/Applications/Arduino IDE"
Clive@MacMini ~ % clear
Clive@MacMini ~ % "/Applications/Arduino IDE"
Arduino IDE 2.3.2
Checking for frontend application configuration customizations. Module path: /Applications/Arduino, destination 'package.json': /Applications/Arduino
2024-08-12 10:41:36.346 Arduino IDE[14384:801954] WARNING: Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state! Enable secure coding by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState: and returning YES.
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.appVersion' application configuration value to: "2.3.2" (type of string)
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.cliVersion' application configuration value to: "0.35.3" (type of string)
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.buildDate' application configuration value to: "2024-02-20T09:53:59.281Z" (type of string)
Frontend application configuration after modifications: {"applicationName":"Arduino IDE","defaultTheme":{"light":"arduino-theme","dark":"arduino-theme-dark"},"defaultIconTheme":"none","electron":{"windowOptions":{}},"defaultLocale":"","validatePreferencesSchema":false,"preferences":{"window.title":"${rootName}${activeEditorShort}${appName}","files.autoSave":"afterDelay","editor.minimap.enabled":false,"editor.tabSize":2,"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine":false,"editor.quickSuggestions":{"other":false,"comments":false,"strings":false},"editor.maxTokenizationLineLength":500,"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled":false,"breadcrumbs.enabled":false,"workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides":"none","explorer.compactFolders":false},"appVersion":"2.3.2","cliVersion":"0.35.3","buildDate":"2024-02-20T09:53:59.281Z"}
Starting backend process. PID: 14393
Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment
Configuration directory URI: 'file:///Users/Clive/.arduinoIDE'
Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname.
2024-08-12T08:41:36.640Z root INFO Backend Object.initialize: 1.8 ms [Finished 0.246 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.641Z root INFO Backend Object.configure: 1.4 ms [Finished 0.246 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.641Z root INFO Backend s.onStart: 0.7 ms [Finished 0.246 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.641Z root INFO Backend s.configure: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.261 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.641Z root INFO Backend d.onStart: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.261 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.642Z root INFO Backend d.configure: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.261 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.642Z root INFO Backend d.initialize: 14.4 ms [Finished 0.261 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.642Z root INFO Backend c.onStart: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.261 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.642Z root INFO Backend a.configure: 0.5 ms [Finished 0.261 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.643Z config INFO >>> Initializing CLI configuration...
2024-08-12T08:41:36.643Z root INFO Backend c.initialize: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.262 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.643Z root INFO Backend R.onStart: 0.4 ms [Finished 0.262 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.643Z config INFO Loading CLI configuration from /Users/Clive/.arduinoIDE/arduino-cli.yaml...
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z daemon INFO Starting daemon from /Applications/Arduino
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend a.initialize: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.262 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend w.onStart: 0.5 ms [Finished 0.263 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend r.configure: 0.9 ms [Finished 0.263 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z discovery-log INFO start
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z discovery-log INFO start new deferred
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend d.initialize: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.263 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend y.onStart: 0.8 ms [Finished 0.264 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend r.configure: 0.7 ms [Finished 0.264 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend a.onStart: 0.6 ms [Finished 0.265 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend h.configure: 0.6 ms [Finished 0.265 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend s.configure: 0.0 ms [Finished 0.265 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root INFO Backend l.configure: 0.0 ms [Finished 0.265 s after backend start]
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root ERROR Failed to start the backend application:
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root ERROR Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND localhost
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:108:26)
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root ERROR Uncaught Exception: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND localhost
2024-08-12T08:41:36.644Z root ERROR Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND localhost
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:108:26)
2024-08-12T08:41:36.647Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/Clive/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist.
2024-08-12T08:41:36.647Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/Clive/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist.
OK, great. We can now clearly see the cause of the IDE being in a non-functional state here:
Arduino IDE communicates with some of its components via an internal TCP/IP port in your computer on "localhost". For some reason it is not able to get the IP address of localhost
from the operating system, which is an unusual thing.
Have you made any modifications, or is there anything notable about your "hosts file", especially in regards to the definition of localhost
The "hosts file" is located at /etc/hosts
(AKA /private/etc/hosts
You are a genius!! I checked the Hosts file and the "usual" Local hosts definition was missing for some reason. The hosts file was blank. So I inserted the following:- localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
And now it all works, thank you so much, this was driving me crazy. I really appreciate the help!
You are welcome. I'm glad it is working now.
Regards, Per