IDE won't load EEPROM library

I'm trying to calibrate a Gravity pH sensor and the sketch uses the EEPROM library. I have it downloaded into my Arduino/Libraries folder. When I try to load the sketch onto my Nano 33 IOT the IDE says there is no such file.

What's the problem. Here's the sketch I'm trying to use.

type or paste code here/*
 * file DFRobot_PH.ino
 * @
 * This is the sample code for Gravity: Analog pH Sensor / Meter Kit V2, SKU:SEN0161-V2
 * In order to guarantee precision, a temperature sensor such as DS18B20 is needed, to execute automatic temperature compensation.
 * You can send commands in the serial monitor to execute the calibration.
 * Serial Commands:
 *   enterph -> enter the calibration mode
 *   calph   -> calibrate with the standard buffer solution, two buffer solutions(4.0 and 7.0) will be automaticlly recognized
 *   exitph  -> save the calibrated parameters and exit from calibration mode
 * Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2018
 * Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version  V1.0
 * date  2018-04

#include "DFRobot_PH.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>

#define PH_PIN A0
float voltage,phValue,temperature = 25;
DFRobot_PH ph;

void setup()

void loop()
    static unsigned long timepoint = millis();
    if(millis()-timepoint>1000U){                  //time interval: 1s
        timepoint = millis();
        //temperature = readTemperature();         // read your temperature sensor to execute temperature compensation
        voltage = analogRead(PH_PIN)/1024.0*5000;  // read the voltage
        phValue = ph.readPH(voltage,temperature);  // convert voltage to pH with temperature compensation
        Serial.print("^C  pH:");
    ph.calibration(voltage,temperature);           // calibration process by Serail CMD

float readTemperature()
  //add your code here to get the temperature from your temperature sensor

Might have something to do with the Nano 33 IOT not having EEPROM, at least as far as I can tell at a quick glance.

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