I'm using Termite to capture serial data.
If its running when I try to do an upload the IDE locks up saying "uploading"
If I then disconnect termite so the link is available the IDE continues locked saying "uploading" and I can find no way to recover.
Connecting to programmer: .avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding
Should the IDE not do a time out if uploading fails?
Or maybe we could have a "stop " button?
I think that the only way to get out of the "uploading" state is to press the reset button. On boards with native USB (butterfly_recv() indicates that), that will close the serial connection and if memory serves me well that solves the issue.
Hi Bob, sorry for misunderstanding, its a Micro Pro and I'm using Termite from the USB., same as the IDE serial monitor, but with the option to log transfers.