Hi everyone,
I am still a beginner at arduino but want to build something more interesting, such as a robot or something with a use . If you could give some suggestions for what I could make, preferably with the parts listed below I would be extremely grateful ! Also some help with the code for it would be much appreciated
Parts are :
- A servo (only turns 180 not 360)
- Arduino duemilanove#
- A couple of dc motors (probably different speeds e.t.c)
- A breadboard
- A potentiometer
- 5 diodes
- red, green, yellow and blue leds
- Piezo transducer
- 8x8 led matrix
- a couple of little buttons
- a thermometer sensor
- 2 shift registers
- a light dependent resistor
- a transistor
- a load of resistors
- a load of jumper wires
- a 9v battery adapter for the arduino
Thanks !