Identifying imagotag VUSION 5.9 BWR GU110 e-paper display


I have a e-label for which I want to identify the e-paper module. Hopefully there are drivers for it already in GxEPD2 or some other project. Given that I have another display by the same manufacturer that turns out to be supported by GxEPD2, I think there is a good chance its e-paper module is from the same Good Display manufacturer. Also the label on the display itself has similar numbers. However I find no way to correlate those numbers to any good display model number. Anyone has any idea ?
here are a few photos of labeling and controller board.

Name is Vusion 5.9 BWR GU110
Model: EDG2-0590-A

The display is 5.9" 3-color panel by Pervasive Displays. It was a bit harder to find --- the model number written on the display is SE2581JS081 but the manufacturer leaves out the leading S- in their manuals and so the actual model number is E2881JS081.

El más cercano que logré encontrar en la página es un 5.81, modelo: E2581JS0B1

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cool thanks, I'll check that out too