I do not want, neither try to "hack the library". I am just searching for a way to achieve certain result and therefor trying different approaches.
About your code, where should I put it - in side the sketch or inside the lib?
Thank you.
I did put it in the example sketch. Where exactly depends on what you want to achieve; I think that loop() or a function called from loop() would be the right place.
Please note that the stereo flag does not necessarily indicates that the radio is in stereo. From the library's radio.h
/// A structure that contains information about the radio features from the chip.
struct RADIO_INFO {
bool active; ///< receiving is active.
uint8_t rssi; ///< Radio Station Strength Information.
uint8_t snr; ///< Signal Noise Ratio.
bool rds; ///< RDS information is available.
bool tuned; ///< A stable frequency is tuned.
bool mono; ///< Mono mode is on.
bool stereo; ///< Stereo audio is available
Did it right after I've asked. Thank you again.
I need to know if the signal is stereo, not the audio mode. The audio is deliberately set to Mono, but the stereo signal will be used in an auto searcdh function.
Perhaps go through the datasheet for the exact radio you're using to see if that information is available over the interface and how it is accessed. Then check to see if the inherited class for that device (they all inherit from the RADIO class) offers access to the stereo status of the signal. If not, modify that part of the library to do so.