"If" doesn't work inside "while"

Hello guys. I'm using an "if" code inside "while" loop. But it doesn't work. Codes:

int test = 0;
int but1 = 13;
int but1Val;

void setup() {
  pinMode(but1, INPUT);

void loop() {
  but1Val = digitalRead(but1);
  while(test != 10){
    if(but1Val == 1){

  Serial.println("Out Of While");

I always in while loop. When i press the button, button value never changes. Although i press the button, serial monitor always writes 0. Where is the problem? What can i do? Thanks..

Sorry for my English.

Think of the case when test is ten.

Sorry i can't understand. I can never change "test" because program never see the changes of button inside "while" loop.

  but1Val = digitalRead(but1);  // This sets but1Val to equal what is read at this time
  while(test != 10){
    if(but1Val == 1){ // now if but1Val was set to zero this will NEVER become true and so test will NEVER count

you might consider moving 1 line of code

 while(test != 10){
    but1Val = digitalRead(but1); // moved this line to here
    if(but1Val == 1){

WORKED! :slight_smile:
Thank you so much

Or condense a little more even

 while(test != 10){
    if(digitalRead(but1) == 1){// combined read & test to here
      Serial.println(test); // and changed this line
test = 0; // reset for next time thru

This will go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pretty quick I think