If loop problems

Hi everyone,
I am trying to make a simple if/else statement but my if code is running multiple times even though there is nothing in my code telling it to run more than once.
My code:
if(digitalRead(12) == High)
Turns on all leds
Turs a few off
Turns more off
Turns more off
Waits 2 seconds
Blinking led
So in my if code I only have 1 copy of the code and I havnt programed a repeat in. So I was wondering what is going on and how I have to fix it, thanks in advance

We are unable to answer your post until you correct it for guideline inconsistencies as detailed in the two posts above by Nick Gammon.

You are aware that the loop function itself runs over and over again right? So unless the code you are showing is in setup, you should expect it to repeat.