If Program Size is greater than Flash memory Size ,

I bought Arduino lily pad with ATMEGA328 which contains 32KB of flash and 1KB of EEPROM.

I got a bought?

What should i do if the program size exceeds more than 32KB.

can i interface SD card to store the Program.

If it is possible please attach the program (Or) the link from where i can learn and interface it.

Please do not cross-post. (other post deleted)

no clue, post your program, I am positive that it could be cut back while retaining functionality

if its just simple strings or similar data then yes, its possible

Optimization is what you will need to do, post your code if you have problems and need help with it.

Yes you can add a memory shield, extra eproms and use SD cards to increase the data space available.

Yes you can add a memory shield, extra eproms and use SD cards to increase the data space available.

No you can't.
Any extra memory you add is not part of the system memory and has to be accessed specifically through code in your sketch. It does not allow you to use more code space.

What should i do if the program size exceeds more than 32KB.

Reduce the size of the code or get a Mega.

can i interface SD card


to store the Program.


My bad, Upgrading RAM In An Arduino Mega | Hackaday needs a mega and the eprom could be used to store text and other data but your right mike not program memory.
I think I generalised a little too much.

as mentioned above, you may be able to optimize your code - or - if you have lots of constants, or large string, you might be able to externalize them (eeprom, SD, flash). However, unless there is a large amount of these components this may not really work because you will need to add code to communicate with the devices.

It has been suggested you upgrade to a mega - that will certainly solve your problems - but at a fairly steep price. There are other alternatives that might work for you - such as LeafLabs maple, or ChipKit uno which has 128K of flash.

Or a '1284 based board. I have '1284 duemilanove style PCBs for a few dollars if you are willing to buy a few parts & assemble it yourself.
See reply #224