"if" routines unconstrained

Hi there, reluctantly I am asking for help with the "if" command. The attached (amateur) code was intend to test how "if" works and the results were not as expected. Instead of the first "if" statements looping to flash the led ten times it drops through and flashes the red and green led from the second "if" statements. I am trying to constrain the flow to the "if" statements independently. I have read many articles and forum entries but it has not helped. Any help would be appreciated.

led_test_for_if.ino (2.62 KB)

Why not copy your sketch to this post?
Use code tags

  if(greenCounter < 10);                    // test greenCounter

There's a semicolon in there that shouldn't be. Same thing further down.

Hello LarryD, I used the attach icon and thought that I had.!

Thanks wildbill I'll go back and have a look.

wildbill, I removed the semi colons but the program flow is still the same, thanks anyway. I will remember that for the future.

The behavior you see should not be unexpected. There's no looping construct in your sketch to make your code work the way you expect. You could replace the if statements with while though and that should give you what you want.

Thanks wildbill, I'll try "while",

As bill said.

There is a difference between attach and copy.

Thanks Larry and bill, "while" is working as you said. Your help is appreciated.

Instead of the first "if" statements looping to flash the led ten times it drops through and flashes the red and green led from the second "if" statements. I am trying to constrain the flow to the "if" statements independently. I have read many articles and forum entries but it has not helped. Any help would be appreciated.

An if is not a loop. An if will perform all the actions within the { and }, then drop out.
If you want to loop, you have to explicitly loop with a while or a do, or a for.

Here's your code, modified to use a for loop for the green LED, and a while loop for the red LED. Note that you do not need to increment greenCounter within the for loop, as we have used it as the counter in the for loop.

int greenLed = 3;                           // green led connected to pin 3
int redLed = 4;                             // red led connected to pin 4
int greenCounter = 0;                       // initialise green counter
int redCounter = 0;                         // initialise red counter

void setup() {

  pinMode(greenLed,OUTPUT);                 // make pin 3 an output
  pinMode(redLed,OUTPUT);                   // make pin 4 an output
  Serial.begin(115200);                       // start serial monitor

void loop() 
  for(greenCounter = 0; greenCounter < 10; greenCounter ++)   // test greenCounter
  {                                         // repeat this code until greenCounter = 10
    Serial.print("greenCounter ");         // print "greenCounter" for testing
    Serial.println(greenCounter);           // print the value of greenCounter
    digitalWrite(greenLed,HIGH);            // turn on green led
    delay(400);                            // wait one second
    digitalWrite(greenLed,LOW);             // turn off green led
    delay(400);                            // wait one second
//    greenCounter++;                         // increment the greenCount
  }                                         // end of if  green statements
  greenCounter = 0;

  while(redCounter < 10)                      // test redCounter
  {                                         // repeat this code until redCounter =10
    Serial.print("redCounter ");           // print "redCounter" for testing
    Serial.println(redCounter);             // print the value of redCounter
    digitalWrite(redLed,HIGH);              // turn on red led
    delay(400);                            // wait one second
    digitalWrite(redLed,LOW);               // turn off red led
    delay(400);                            // wait one second
    redCounter++;                           // increment the redCount
  }  // end of red statements
  redCounter = 0;
  Serial.println("end of code. No, wait! We're looping in loop()");              // finally print this to show end of "void loop"

I have also shown you a could of other things: Serial.print() followed by Serial.println() to make things show up on one line, and a comment at the "end of code".

Thanks lar3ry, my led test routine was to learn to understand the" if" routine which was going to be applied to drive a stepper motor because I want actions depending upon switches being operated. How do I see the code you have posted because I cannot see it. I really do appreciate your help.

I can see it now. thanks

my led test routine was to learn to understand the" if" routine

Here's another modification of your code. I show you two other ways of specifying pins and two ways of specifying a conditional for the two switches.

If you wire a switch between pin 5 and GND, and another between pin 6 and GDN, you can control the flashing... neither, red only, green only, or both. The code compiles, but I have not tested it.

#define greenButton 5
const byte redButton = 6;

int greenLed = 3;                           // green led connected to pin 3
int redLed = 4;                             // red led connected to pin 4
int greenCounter = 0;                       // initialise green counter
int redCounter = 0;                         // initialise red counter

void setup() {

  pinMode(greenButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(redButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(greenLed,OUTPUT);                 // make pin 3 an output
  pinMode(redLed,OUTPUT);                   // make pin 4 an output
  Serial.begin(115200);                       // start serial monitor

void loop() 
  if ( digitalRead(greenButton) == LOW ) {    // if switch closed
    for(greenCounter = 0; greenCounter < 10; greenCounter ++)   // test greenCounter
    {                                         // repeat this code until greenCounter = 10
      Serial.print("greenCounter ");         // print "greenCounter" for testing
      Serial.println(greenCounter);           // print the value of greenCounter
      digitalWrite(greenLed,HIGH);            // turn on green led
      delay(400);                            // wait one second
      digitalWrite(greenLed,LOW);             // turn off green led
      delay(400);                            // wait one second
      //    greenCounter++;                         // increment the greenCount
    }                                         // end of if  green statements
    greenCounter = 0;

  if ( ! digitalRead(redButton) ) {   // if switch is not open
    while(redCounter < 10)                      // test redCounter
      Serial.print("redCounter ");           // print "redCounter" for testing
      Serial.println(redCounter);             // print the value of redCounter
      digitalWrite(redLed,HIGH);              // turn on red led
      delay(400);                            // wait one second
      digitalWrite(redLed,LOW);               // turn off red led
      delay(400);                            // wait one second
      redCounter++;                           // increment the redCount
    }  // end of red statements
    redCounter = 0;

  Serial.println("end of code. No, wait! We're looping in loop()");              // finally print this to show end of "void loop"