If to trigger a Loop

Hello, I’m having trouble with my code. My goal is to have the motor do nothing when nothing is pressed. When I push button1 it starts a continuous loop and stops at any moment when button2 is pressed. It then waits for button1 to be pressed again to start the loop over.

In the loop: the motor will slowly turn clockwise for .2seconds, delays for .5seconds, continuously rotates until the IR module receives a voltage (detects an object), the motor stops for 3 seconds, then repeats. I have the IR spit out numbers constantly to help me calibrate the sensor.

The trouble I’m having is when the arduino receives power, it automatically starts the loop and nothing can cancel it.

// Pin assignments
const int dirPin = 2;
const int stepPin = 3;
const int buttonPin1 = 5;
const int buttonPin2 = 7;
const int irPin = 6;

// Motor variables
const int motorSpeed = 200; // Steps per second
const int motorDelay = 2000; // Motor delay in milliseconds

// Flags to track the state of loop1 and button2
bool loop1Active = false;
bool button2Pressed = false;

void setup() {
  // Initialize pins
  pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(irPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Set initial motor direction
  digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);

  // Start serial communication

void loop() {
  // Check if button1 is pressed to start loop1
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin1) == LOW) {
    // Button1 pressed, start loop1
    loop1Active = true;

    // Delay for 1 second

  if (loop1Active) {
    // Turn motor clockwise slowly for 0.2 seconds
    for (int i = 0; i < motorSpeed; i++) {
      digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);

    // Delay for 0.5 seconds

    // Continuously turn motor clockwise slowly until IR output is 1
    while (digitalRead(irPin) == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);

    // Check if button2 is pressed
    if (digitalRead(buttonPin2) == LOW) {
      // Button2 pressed, stop loop1
      loop1Active = false;
      button2Pressed = true;

    // Check if IR output is 1
    if (digitalRead(irPin) == HIGH) {
      // IR detected, stop the motor
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
  } else {
    // Read IR sensor value
    int irValue = digitalRead(irPin);

    // Check if IR output is 1
    if (irValue == HIGH) {
      // IR detected, stop the motor
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);

  // Print IR sensor value to Serial monitor
  int irValue = digitalRead(irPin);
  Serial.print("IR Sensor: ");

  // Check if button2 was pressed during loop1
  if (button

My eyes are playing tricks on me, it looks like you have this connected to an IMSAI or other similar computer. Post an annotated schematic as you have wired it showing all power, ground, interconnections and power sources. Since I do not have the parts also post a link to technical information on all of the hardware items.

I have a News 23 stepper motor, a TB6600 driver (only Dir+ and Pull+ are connected. The rest are connected to ground), 2 buttons using no resistors, and a HiLetgo IR Infrared Obstacle Avoidance module (powered by the arduino 3.3v output).

Yes that is the way an Arduino works.

If you want to change any action in the loop then use an if statement to only do that action when certain conditions apply, like a button is being held down, or something like that.

Put this code at the end of setup()
It will wait for button 1 to be pressed.
Once button 1 is pressed loop() will start

	while (digitalRead(buttonPin1) == HIGH)

I would suggest to use an interrupt routine, actually two (one for each button).
Use flags in the interrupts and in the main loop test these flags and proceed accordingly.

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