IL9486 Arduino shield library?


I've bought this display:

which should be ILI9486 8bit 480x320 (no touch) and spent last few hours trying to find working library.

Only thing, I was able to do is simple test originally written for 9341, but no more advanced library ever worked for me.

Can anyone please help me finding library working with this chip/shield?
And can anyone tell me (begginer for displays) tell me why there's LCD_D0-D7 pins? For most of libraries, it was only needed to setup first 5/6 pins, no library ever asked for LCD_Dx pins.

Pins on shield:

LCD_D0 = D8
LCD_D1 = D9
LCD_D2 = D2
LCD_D3 = D3
LCD_D4 = D4
LCD_D5 = D5
LCD_D6 = D6
LCD_D7 = D7

The link shows two different Shields:

  1. Mega2560 shield with 18x2 male header pins and 2x1 header.
  2. Uno Shield with two 8x1 and two 6x1 male header pins.

The Mega Shields work with Bodmer's TFT_HX8357 library. Configure User_Setup.h for IL9481, ILI9486, HX8357-B, HX8357-C

The Uno shields work with my MCUFRIEND_kbv library. Should work out of the box on Uno, Mega, Zero, Due, ...

Always compare the item that you received with the Sale description.

If you buy an item from AliExpress or Ebay and it does not match the website photos, describe the differences.


Thx a lot david_prentice!

It really works out of the box, you saved me hours of additional trying not functioning libraries :slight_smile:


One more thing - after some testing, I was able to read some bitmaps from SDcard, but colors are inverted. Any idea how to fix it?

It seems that most current ILI9486 displays have inverted colours.

Edit MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp to match your display:

    case 0x9486:
        _lcd_capable = AUTO_READINC | MIPI_DCS_REV1 | MV_AXIS; //Red 3.5", Blue 3.5"
//        _lcd_capable = AUTO_READINC | MIPI_DCS_REV1 | MV_AXIS | REV_SCREEN; //old Red 3.5"

Alternatively, just call tft.invertDisplay(true); in every sketch.
