Even though I'm connected, I'm still shown as being "offline" and I never see myself in the bar "Users active in past 15 minutes:"
I'm using a rather old Mac with Safari as a browser but this is not causing my issue as I made a new account with another nickname - e-mail address and everything works fine and I can see my new account as being "online".
I suspect that the issue is caused by my primary account having a Yahoo e-mail ending in ".gr".
There used to be an option to be invisible, which does just what you are describing.
If you take a look at the "Users online" list at the bottom of the forum front page, you'll see some hidden members.
But i can't find that option anymore in my own profile.
Maybe you set that option once and are not able to change it back because that checkbox has been removed ?
Only an administrator can confirm that.
Thanks for your replies.
There may was a "hidden" option once though I've never used this option on any of the forums that I read/write as I don't see the point and I highly doubt it that I used it here. :~
Also, my personal settings like gender, my site etc. are being erased after a few hours automatically.
I have updated them three times and they are just getting disappeared after a while!
Sounds more like crap forum software. Just one of the many problems here.
{Now some have suggested that the same software that operates this "forum" works properly on other sites and that it is a problem of incorrect configuration. I reject that - not to "excuse" those who are running the facility, but on the simple basis that decently written software would not allow such problems to occur.}
I'm also shown as Offline all the time, but it doesn't really bother me.
Doesn't exactly worry me either, but I can't quite see how it can determine "on-line" status anyway. Fairly straightforward to indicate whether someone is active in the last ten minutes as cookies will track that, and whether you are logged on or not is not really helpful as a logon is (sensibly and correctly) active for a week or more, but what else actually is "on-line"?
I'm also shown as Offline all the time, but it doesn't really bother me.
Doesn't exactly worry me either, but I can't quite see how it can determine "on-line" status anyway. Fairly straightforward to indicate whether someone is active in the last ten minutes as cookies will track that, and whether you are logged on or not is not really helpful as a logon is (sensibly and correctly) active for a week or more, but what else actually is "on-line"?