I'm having an I2C issue

I've spent my entire day reading through the PDF files you attached, and there are some pretty interesting info there (and some that I just don't understand). It looks like you got it from a book or something, can you please tell me from what source you got these PDF files (or the name of the book). Also, I'm still a beginner on Arduino and I really want to expand my knowledge, I'm just curious with how you started, like what course you've taken to become advanced. I know this is not related to our topic here, but I'm really looking forward with deep learning into these stuffs.

The best way of learning things is to start with an example which works and gives result.

The name of the book under process is:
Interfacing and System Design
(Using Arduino UNO Learning System)

Is it okay if I message you? Since I have questions not related to the topic.


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