I Have a simple push-button with 4 pins and a simple micro servo. I'm using an Arduino nano. I don't have any resistors and don't know if I will need them. What I'm trying to do is this:
When I start the process, the servo starts at 0 degrees
When I press down the button (hold) the servo moves from 0 to 180 degrees, not more
When I let go of the button, the servo moves from 180 degrees back to 0 degrees
I'd love for someone to help me with regards to the code, and the pins to attach my wires to on the arduino. Many thanks...
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Have you tried the Button example in the IDE ? It turns an LED on/off when a button is pressed/released and could easily be adapted to move a servo one way or the other instead
#include <Servo.h>
const byte ServoPin = 3;
const byte ButtonPin = 4;
Servo servo;
// * When I start the process,
void setup()
// the servo starts at 0 degrees
pinMode(ButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
// NOTE: The internal pull-up resistor will keep the
// pin reading HIGH when not connected. The pin
// will read LOW when connected to Ground through
// a closed switch.
void loop()
// * When I press down the button (hold)
if (digitalRead(ButtonPin) == LOW)
// the servo moves from 0 to 180 degrees, not more
else // * When I let go of the button,
// the servo moves from 180 degrees back to 0 degrees
Thank you so much @johnwasser!
Is there a Circuit design you could quickly make so I know what everything looks like and where all the wires go?
Much appreciated...
At the moment it’s just powered by my laptop. But in the future I want to power it with as small as a battery as possible. Possibly a a23 battery. I was also wondering if it’s possible to make a second button spin a mini motor when held down or do I do need a seperate arduino to do that as well. Is it possible to substitute 2 other pins with gnd and 5v? If so then I might be able to use motor on it (arduino) as well as the servo?