Image upscaling

Hi there, so i have a question im using esp32 microcontroller and im using to downloand some images but the thing is if i use it to download big images it gonna take a while so i tought i gonna use small format of image and just upscale it but everywhere i have read noone talks about image upscaling. Maybe its not possible to upscale image on arduino or i dont know but if u have some information or know how to upscale the image i would highly appreciate if u can share with me.
(using esp32 with ili9341 screen and lib to display image TFT_eSPI)

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Image compression (JPEG, etc.) should give you better results than downscaling and upscaling.

Upscaling is, of course, an approximation or a kind of blurring/smoothing. And of course, lossy compression is imperfect too but it's optimized for images (or for audio in the case of MP3).

Yes, it is possible. Instead of writing one pixel to the new image buffer, write four of the same color, for 2x2 magnification.

Or you can interpolate between pixels to arbitrarily "upscale" the size. Adafruit shows you how with images from a low resolution thermal camera.

Can You use established terminology? What are the facts? What's the resolution of the different pictures?
A picture with a reduced number of pixels has lost information. Magnifying the picture doesn't create the lost pixels. Okey, clever software might make good "guesses"....

oh my bad mate i didn't pay attention to that

im trying to download 64x64 and just upscale it ig up to 128x128 pixels and other pic i can download is 256x256 i can just downscale to 128x128 but its downloading like hella long for maybe 5s or so. Its a bit to long for me

See post #4.

i cant find where it mentions something about arduino whole code atleast what i found was on python

I dont really care about resolution just need to make it bigger on the screen and smaller file to download

While upscaling might result in blurring or smoothing due to approximations, lossy compression, although not flawless, is specifically designed to optimize image quality. For an effective example of image optimization, you can try jpeg compressor.

Probably not written for ESP32 as OP noted.

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