Implementing accelstepper

Hey. First of all - sorry for my poor english. I've got a problem with implementing acceleration from library accelstepper to code from book about arduino. Code:

int speed = 100; // desired speed in steps per second
int steps = 0; // the number of steps to make
void setup()
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if ( Serial.available()) {
char ch =;
if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'){ // is ch a number?
steps = steps * 10 + ch - '0'; // yes, accumulate the value
else if(ch == '+'){
steps = 0;
else if(ch == '-'){
steps = 0;
else if(ch == 's'){
speed = steps;
Serial.print("Setting speed to ");
steps = 0;
void step(int steps)
int stepDelay = 1000 / speed; //delay in ms for speed given as steps per sec
int stepsLeft;
// determine direction based on whether steps_to_mode is + or -
if (steps > 0)
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);
stepsLeft = steps;
if (steps < 0)
digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW);
stepsLeft = -steps;
// decrement the number of steps, moving one step each time
while(stepsLeft > 0)
stepsLeft--; // decrement the steps left

Everything works fine (also with my changes: I replaced delay with non-blocking micros(); ):

void step(int steps) {
long stepDelay = 300000L / (8L * speed);

    int stepsLeft = steps;
    if (steps > 0)
PORTB |= 1 << 0;
stepsLeft = steps;
if (steps < 0)
PORTB &= ~(1 << 0);
stepsLeft = -steps;

    unsigned long previousMicros = 0;
    while (stepsLeft > 0 && digitalRead(homeButton) == 1) {
      if ((unsigned long)(micros() - previousMicros) >= stepDelay) { 
        previousMicros = micros();
        PORTB |= 1 << 1;
        PORTB &= ~(1 << 1);

but I want acceleration and deceleration for my stepper. I know basics of this, but in this example, I have no idea how to do it...

None of your code references the AccelStepper library. There are several example programs on the AccelStepper website

I am interested in this piece of code

PORTB |= 1 << 1;
PORTB &= ~(1 << 1);

I assume that is intended to make the pin go HIGH and then LOW.

Does the stepper driver respond correctly?
I would have assumed the pulse would not be long enough.

Out of curiosity, what stepper motor driver are you using?

You may be interested in stepper motor basics


I know that code does not reference to accelstepper because I did not know how to implement this library...until yesterday :wink: now this library works pretty well with this code (and driver based on one axis TB6560). And your question - with

PORTB |= 1 << 1;
PORTB &= ~(1 << 1)

my stepper works good (I think so :wink: )

driver based on one axis TB6560). And your question - with

PORTB |= 1 << 1;

PORTB &= ~(1 << 1)

my stepper works good (I think so ;) )

Thanks. That's very interesting.

I have had a look at the datasheet for the Toshiba TB6560 chip and it say the minimum pulse width is 30 microsecs and I suspect your pair of instructions only produce a pulse of less than 1 microsec. Maybe there is some circuitry on the driver board that deals with this.

In any case it is useful to know of a stepper driver that can handle more current than the DRV8825.


No problem! Could you tell me how you've calculated minimum pulse width (and time 1us) using info from notes of tb6560?

No problem! Could you tell me how you've calculated minimum pulse width (and time 1us) using info from notes of tb6560?

Page 7 of the datasheet
