Import Library

I downloaded a github .zip library for additional capibilibites. Tried to import it into the Arduino Software with absolutely no success.

Here's what I did. Download the .zip file. From the Arduino IDE open Sketch, from drop down select import Library. Select the Add Library and from the next screen navigate to the .zip file, which is in my Download folder. Click OK and nothing. I can't find any indication that the library was downloaded. When I try to compile the sketch I get compile errors because it can't find the .h file.



Whats wrong, are you embarrassed at what library you downloaded? :slight_smile:

Please give a link, it may be a library structure that does not support the .ZIP import method.

Thanks, I solved the problem by going with sloeber. A little more power anyway.


OK - but can you still provide the link, as the author may be reading and could fix the issue.

Sure, here is the URL: GitHub - laurb9/StepperDriver: Arduino library for A4988, DRV8825, DRV8834, DRV8880 and generic two-pin (DIR/STEP) stepper motor drivers


It works here! :frowning:

Hmmm, I must be doing something wrong. After I do the import, is there another step needed?


The usual way for zip libraries is to use manage libraries -> add zip library. Did things change?