Important programming principles to remember

Gotta love it

So true, so true.......

Tom..... :slight_smile:



The kid's got promise! She remembers what she's been told as it applies to what she did.

And she already knows how to use EPROM, pencil, paper, eraser.
In fact its keyboard free, hang on, its an IPaddy thing free, she hasn't got an IPaddy thing grafted to her hand yet. :astonished:
Hey the kid is gunna grow up NORMAL, unless the parents get with the program and shove a IPaddy thing in her hand real quick.

Tom......... :slight_smile:

iPad, for those who have more money than sense.

You've got to be real careful with sensitive objects around kids. Even the most careful with their toys almost always have relatives or friends who aren't and get jealous. Oops. For some reason, things HAVE to be shown off.

Now you must teach it the pricipals of debugging:

Step 1: Code
Step 2: Debug
Step 3: Express Frustration
Step 4: Fix Error
Step 5: Compile
Step 6: delete hairStrand[0] through hairStrand[1000]
Step 7: Post on forums.
Step 8: Wait.
Step 9: And wait.
Step 10: Wait some more. Oh, the answer is useless
Step 11: Repeat 7-10 until answer is recieved
Step 12: Code
Step 12: Debug
Step 13: Repeat

Maybe there was merit to learning so much before there was an internet to slow you down.